Convenience > 9 Benefits Of The Nutritionally-Rich Dragon Fruit For Seniors
26th Apr 2022

9 Benefits Of The Nutritionally-Rich Dragon Fruit For Seniors

What is Dragon Fruit? 


This bright, pink-coloured fruit, with its scaly exterior, is considered exotic, which is why it is called the dragon fruit. Dragon fruit in Hindi, or rather Dragon fruit in India is known as Ajgar Phal, Kamlam and Pitaya. A part of the cactus family, dragon fruit gets its general name from its South-East Asian reference – dragon scales, dragon crystals, pearl fruit, or dragon green. The scaly exterior is followed by a fleshy white or red interior dotted with black seeds that taste sweet and refreshing. 

Dragon Fruit – How To Eat 


How to eat dragon fruit is simple. The only thing you have to do is peel off the skin and cut the flesh inside according to your preference or scoop it up using a spoon. Put it in your fruit bowl, drizzle it with honey if preferred and relish it as an easy, healthy snack. Additionally, dragon fruit is low in calories, cholesterol-free, and rich in antioxidants. Because it is readily available in the Indian market, you can make the most of dragon fruit in India by including it in your diet. 

Top 9 Benefits Of Dragon Fruit For Seniors 


1. Low Cholesterol

Dragon fruit is very low in cholesterol, trans fats and saturated fats. Regularly consuming this fruit will not only refresh you but can also aid in maintaining optimum heart health over a longer-term. Dragon fruit is the perfect fruit to include in your diet if you are trying to lose weight. Furthermore, the seeds within these fruits are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that enhance heart health significantly.

2. High Fibre Content

Based on a study by researchers from the University of Leeds, increasing the intake of fibrous foods can reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses (CVD) and coronary heart diseases (CHD). The dragon fruit plant is an excellent source of fibre, which is why it is not just great for seniors’ hearts but can also assist in keeping blood pressure and weight in check.

3. Antioxidant Rich

Colourful and vibrant, meaning the dragon fruit is awash in phytonutrients assuring a high dose of antioxidants. Antioxidants aid in fighting free radicals that damage your cells and may result in cancer. A diet high in antioxidants ensures your heart is healthy, your skin youthful, and your body cancer-free.

4. Heart Health

Since dragon fruit is high in fibre and antioxidants, it is a beneficial addition for enhanced heart health and long-lasting youth. Dragon fruit combats the plaque built in the arteries and helps to maintain consistent blood flow throughout the body.

5. Skin Care

This exotic fruit is a popular element for natural beauty and skin cures due to its antioxidant and vitamin abundance. The ancient South-East Asian beauty practices involved creating ice cream from Dragon fruit pulp and applying it consistently on the face. It was believed to slow the process of ageing and make one appear younger. The paste can also be used to treat sunburn and acne.

6. High Quantity Of Potassium

Dragon fruit boasts of many vital minerals, including calcium and potassium, that aid in maintaining the bone structure. A regular intake of potassium is essential to the body’s optimum neurological, cellular, and electrical functioning. Studies conducted by the Shiga University of Medical Science in Japan reveal if you have diabetes consuming an enriched, potassium-high diet could increase your kidney and heart health. 

7. Vitamin C

Dragon fruit provides a plentiful supply of Vitamin C. It boosts immunity, assists in the absorption and utilisation of iron into the body, generation of collagen that improves the health of our teeth and helps to promote a healthy complexion. Vitamin C has a very important role in increasing immunity, thus protecting seniors from many illnesses. 

8. Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Dragon fruit has anti-cancer properties that reduce the risk of colon cancer. Its rich source of Vitamin C plays a crucial role in improving immunity. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps prevent chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, and Cancer. 

9. Good During Pregnancy

The fruit contains folate, vitamin B, and iron, making it not just safe to eat dragon fruit in pregnancy but also advantageous. Folate and B vitamins prevent congenital disabilities and increase energy levels during pregnancy. The calcium content of folate is responsible for the healthy development of bones in the foetus. The magnesium content assists in fighting postmenopausal issues in women. 

Nutritional Value & Importance of Dragon Fruit For Seniors 

Calories (per 170 grams) 60 
Protein 2 grams 
Fat 0 grams 
Carbs 22 grams 
Fibre 5 grams 
Vitamin C 4 milligrams 
Vitamin A 100 IU 
Calcium 31 milligrams 
Iron 0.1 milligram 
Magnesium: 68 milligrams 

Oils & Other Components of Dragon Fruit Seeds 

Oil (32–34 %). 
Fatty Acids 56 % 
Linoleic Acid (C18:2, 45–55 %) 
Oleic Acid (C18:1, 19–24 %) 
Palmitic Acid (C16:0, 15–18 %) 
Stearic Acid (C18:0, 7–8 %). 

Different Kinds Of Antioxidants Found In Dragon Fruit 

Dragon fruit can provide various health benefits due to high levels of antioxidants such as flavonoids, betacyanin and phenolic acid. These natural compounds neutralise free radicals within the body. Free radicals are substances in the body that can cause damage to cells and increase the chances of cancer. 

Disadvantages & Adverse Effects Of Dragon Fruit For Seniors 

  • Stomach Ailments 

Routinely consuming dragon fruit is extremely beneficial for our stomachs and assists in keeping the digestive tract in top shape. The fibres in dragon fruits act as natural diuretics, which means that they aid us in excreting more often and easily. Even though fibres are beneficial for our digestion and provide various benefits, dragon fruit must be consumed cautiously. Over-consumption of dietary fibre is linked to health problems, such as insufficient intake of nutrients through the intestines, gastritis, digestive obstruction, stomach discomfort, and flatulence. 

  • Reddish Tint of Urine 

The red dragon fruit may cause your urine to have a red or pink colour if you have over-consumed them. If you consume many beets, a similar symptom may occur. Once the beets or dragon fruit are no longer within your body, your urine’s colour will return to normal. 

  • Risk of Overdose of Antioxidants 

Dragon fruit is rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, polyphenols, phytonutrients, carotenoids, and others. They offer many health benefits. However, overeating dragon fruit could result in excess antioxidants like beta-carotene, which may lead to the development of lung cancer. A more frequent intake of vitamin E can also increase the chance of having a hemorrhagic stroke. 

  • Allergic Reactions 

This fruit comes with a range of health benefits you can get by incorporating it into your diet. But, not all people can benefit from these gains in the same manner. It is not good to eat dragon fruit if you’re sensitive to it as it could trigger allergic reactions like swelling of the tongue and lips and a burning sensation in the throat.

  • Hypotension 

Although dragon fruit is said to aid in reducing blood pressure and hypertension, consuming too much of the fruit could cause an increase in potassium levels within the body. This can result in hypotension. Hypotension is when blood pressure drops below normal levels, causing symptoms like dizziness, fatigue, nausea, depression, and loss of awareness. If seniors previously have been diagnosed with hypotension, it is best to stay clear of this supplement. 

Dragon Fruit Price In India 

In the USA, according to Walmart’s official website, the price of dragon fruit is $5.38 per piece. However, it could cost upwards of $15 per dragon fruit, contingent on its size, colour, ripeness and country of origin. On average, a dragon fruit weighs between 150-and 300 grams, and the cost per kg is $21.50.  

In India, Dragon Fruit is readily available in local markets and imported grocery stores. They cost between Rs. 80 and Rs. 110 per piece, with each piece weighing upwards of 200 grams on average. 

Explore Other Dragon Fruits

Dragon Fruit TreeHow to Grow Dragon Fruit Tree 
Yellow Dragon FruitYellow Dragon Fruit – Nature’s Boon For Seniors
Types of Dragon FruitDragon Fruit, A Vibrant Superfood For Seniors – Demystified

Learn the Benefits of Other Nutritious Foods

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where dragon fruit grows in India? 

Dragon fruit is grown primarily in places such as Odisha, the southern part of Andhra Pradesh, Andaman and the Nicobar Islands, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, West Gujarat and now West Bengal is taking over the cultivation of this unique fruit. 

How to grow dragon fruit from seed? 

Dragon fruit can be easily grown from cuttings or seeds. For seeds to grow, put some flesh on a paper towel, and then keep it moist in a warm location but keep away from direct light. Roots will begin sprouting about a week later and can be potted into punnets. 

How to cultivate dragon fruit? 

Cut off a 30cm piece of the dragon fruit tree and allow it to dry for 5 to 6 days, or up to the point that the cut edge becomes white. After drying, place them cut-side down in a sandy cacti dirt and water it every month. The plant will release roots and find its right place within a month, and after that, it will continue to expand. It’s that simple! 

How to cultivate dragon fruit at your home? 

Take a 30-cm slice of the dragon fruit tree and allow it to dry for 5 to 6 days, or until the cut edge is white. Once the dried-out part is done, put the cut side down into the cacti soil and water it every month. The plant will release roots and establish itself in the right place within a month, and after that, it will continue to expand. Simple! 

How to grow dragon fruit plants? 

Dragon fruit requires full sun. So, choose an area with a lot of sun in your yard or a bright window that receives at least six hours of sun every day. If you want to plant the garden, select the potting soil that drains well (dragon fruits are sensitive “wet feet ”, that is, roots constantly damp) and are rich in organic matter. 

Is Dragon fruit great to lose weight? 

Dragon fruit can keep you full and help you feel satisfied for a longer period. It will also reduce the desire to take in more. When you’re satiated, you’ll eat fewer calories. This fruit is also stuffed with fibre that boosts metabolism and aids in weight reduction. 

Which fruit is best for senior citizens? 

Dragon fruit is incredibly low in bad cholesterol while additionally being an extraordinary source of unsaturated fat, which is why it’s incredible for assisting seniors maintain cholesterol levels. The consumable seeds in pitaya are additionally high in fibre, which further diminishes the gamble of cardiovascular disease.

What happens if you eat dragon fruit every day? 

Dragon fruit can strengthen your resistance framework since they are high in L-ascorbic acid, and different cell reinforcements are helpful for insusceptibility. Eating dragon fruit everyday can be beneficial for health, although caution should be exercised. 

Why should we not eat dragon fruit? 

In any case, extreme dragon fruit-eating can bring about an excess of cell reinforcements, for example, beta-carotene, which can add to a cellular breakdown in the lungs. A higher vitamin E utilisation likewise raises the gamble of hemorrhagic stroke. 

Is dragon fruit high in sugar? 

Dragon fruit has less sugar because low-calorie fruit contains fewer carbs than many other tropical fruits.