Gyan Mudra – Its Process, Benefits, Importance, and Precautions
Since time immemorial, humans have practiced thousands of mudras for their spiritual and physical benefits, like the Gyan mudra and Surya mudra. Generations have experienced the power of the mudras, and we all have heard their praises through our ancestors. Yogis believe that there is a whole science and logic behind these mudras and by mastering them, one can achieve the power to manage the entire cosmos.
The term mudra describes a particular hand gesture usually performed during meditation, a popular practice in Hinduism and Buddhism. Mudra is the essence of all rituals and yogas performed for reaping significant physical and non-physical benefits.
“Yogic gestures or Mudras create very subtle ripples in your body. You can’t feel them if there is already a storm going on in your body-mind.” ― Shunya
What Is Gyan Mudra?
The exact meaning of the word Gyan is wisdom, knowledge, or intelligence. The literal translation of Gyan Mudra is ‘Mudra of Wisdom or Knowledge’. It is a secret hand gesture that helps maintain focus and direct energy.
In the yogic world, Gyan Mudra is considered one of the most prominent mudras which support better mental and physical health. Also known as Dhyan Mudra, Chin Mudra, and Vayu-Vardhak Mudra, this Mudra is practiced whilst in a seated meditation pose. Although some yoga practitioners also use it while performing standing postures such as Nataraj asana (Dancer’s Pose) and Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose).
Let us dive into more details and learn more about Gyan Mudra, its importance, benefits, and side effects.
How Can Seniors Perform Gyan Mudra?
- Before performing Gyan Mudra, select a clean and peaceful place.
- Sit in Padasana, Sukhasana and Vajrasana.
- Keep your back straight. If there is a problem sitting with your back straight, you can rest the back with the support of a wall.
- Keep the head straight and still.
- Close your eyes and try not to do any movements in the eyelids.
- Join the upper part of the thumb with the upper part of the index finger, forming a uniform circle and keeping the rest of the fingers straight.
- Place your palms on the knees facing upwards.
- Remove all thoughts from the mind and focus the mind only on OM.
- Additionally, it should be performed with both hands simultaneously.
- Focus on your breath. Fill your lungs with the air and exhale slowly. Do not increase or decrease the speed of your breath.
- Slowly shift your attention to the third eye chakra.
It is advised not to bend the thumb while joining the index and thumb tips. The thumb should not bend towards the index fingertips, and the index finger should approach the thumb. You must be wondering what the reason behind not bending the thumb is. Well, here it is.
The thumb is believed to represent universal consciousness, and the index finger denotes individual consciousness. When the index finger bend towards the thumb, an individual consciousness of a being is surrendered to the universal consciousness. It means that the individual has surrendered itself to the universal or divine consciousness.
Bringing together the thumb and index finger, representing the two realities, is basic to the yogic philosophy of evolution. It symbolizes the transition from darkness to enlightenment and ignorance to wisdom. Moreover, it represents the union of the self with the cosmos, the unification of one’s soul, and the supreme divine soul.
What Are The Benefits Of Gyan Mudra For Seniors?
It would be really difficult to jot down the benefits of this powerful mudra in a few words. It provides significant physical and non-physical benefits, especially to seniors, and some of them are listed below:
- Practicing this mudra helps seniors concentrate their energy and focus on attaining real knowledge and wisdom. If performed during meditation, this mudra can significantly help improve focus and sharpen concentration and mental strength.
- It enhances memory, creative ability, and the comprehensive ability of a person.
- Several yogis believe that Gyan mudra is directly connected to the Muladhara chakra, also known as the root chakra, responsible for managing the sense of security, interconnectedness, and stability. It provides seniors with a sense of groundedness and security, takes away fear, and balances the root chakra.
- When seniors hold fingers in this mudra for a certain time, their muscular system strengthens and ensures proper breathing, digestion, and bodily movement.
- It helps to get rid of any addiction.
- Mudra yoga is also known as healing yoga, as it directly affects the nervous system and pituitary gland. Therapeutically, it is beneficial in diabetes, Alzheimer’s, insomnia, and conditions like hypopituitarism.
- Gyan mudra stimulates the Pineal gland and regulates the Endocrine glands that ultimately help maintain correct blood pressure and water – level in the body.
- The index finger is related to Jupiter (the planet of knowledge and wisdom in astrology). So, Gyan mudra helps to connect seniors with this planet of wisdom and knowledge.
- In addition to this, this mudra helps seniors come out of Vata deficiency, which occurs due to the lack of air elements in the body.
- It is also believed to improve immunity and save seniors from diseases.
- It burns the negative thoughts from the mind and eradicates negative energies from one’s aura. It adds positivity to the mind, body, and soul of an individual.
- It opens up the heart chakra and cleanses all the negative emotions like anger, fear, jealousy, etc. Besides this, it adds confidence and charm to one’s personality.
Seniors can practice this mudra along with their grandchildren. Besides adding great value to their lives, it would strengthen your bond with them. This way, you can spend some valuable and joyful time with them.
Things To Keep In Mind Before Performing Gyan Mudra
- As already discussed, Gyan mudra increases the air element in the body. Therefore, it is advised that those seniors who face difficulty in food digestion or suffer from gas problems in the stomach should not overdo this mudra. It may show some ill effects.
- Another precaution that seniors must take while performing this mudra is not to wear tight and uncomfortable clothes, as they may disturb your concentration. Always wear loose and comfortable clothes.
- Seniors should not practice this mudra after consuming tea, coffee, or dinner.
- For maximum benefits, it should be performed on an empty stomach.
- Seniors who face back pain or any other problem sitting on the floor can practice this mudra sitting in a chair. Keep in mind not to move your feet or any other body part. Try to stay still and focus on your third-eye chakra.
- If you face any discomfort while doing this mudra, immediately stop.
When Should Seniors Perform Gyan Mudra?
Seniors can practice this mudra by sitting, standing, or lying down on the bed. There is no particular time to practice this mudra, and seniors can do it whenever they want, however they want.
In the world of yoga, it is believed that mudras offer their maximum benefits when performed during the Brahma muhurta of Amrit vela which is from 4 AM to 6 AM. To experience the significant results, seniors should practice this mudra daily for thirty minutes at a stretch every day and continue this practice for two months. Those who cannot sit for thirty minutes at a stretch can do it three times a day for ten minutes.
What Is The Importance Of Gyan Mudra For Seniors?
Gyan mudra brings knowledge and wisdom to an individual, and regular practice can help seniors sharpen their intellect and make maximum use of their brains. This mudra, combined with meditation and certain other yoga practices, has the power to help seniors live a fit, happy and healthy lifestyle.
Gyan Mudra is considered the highest of all mudras and has the capability of connecting an individual with the divine soul. It sharpens the human mind, eliminates the negative forces, and helps to focus on attaining true knowledge, the reality of life. It possesses the power to unlock the sixth sense and take one beyond the physical reality of this cosmos. Furthermore, it can help individuals see what life is beyond the three dimensions and find the true reality of this universe. If performed appropriately and with certain other religious practices, it can enlighten your soul and break the karmic cycle. It can liberate you from the repetitive process of taking birth and dying. It can take you closer to the supreme soul and help you get immersed in that divine light – the true goal of every soul who has taken birth on earth.
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Frequently Asked Questions on Gyan Mudra
If you are a beginner, you can do this mudra for 10-12 minutes and gradually increase the duration. After practicing it for a month, you can stretch the time to thirty minutes. If you do not feel comfortable while practicing it, you should stop immediately.
Yes, you can. You can perform this mudra however you want, whenever you want.
Yes, the Gyan mudra is one of the most powerful and popular mudras humans have practiced for thousands of years. It has the supreme power of connecting you with your higher self or the supreme soul. Coupled with some other religious affairs and yogic practices, it has the power to enlighten you and break the bondage of the karmic cycle.
Gyan mudra is believed to be a seal of knowledge and wisdom that help you get rid of stress and anxiety and extends peace and calmness to the brain. It is a relaxing and soothing mudra that eliminates tension and provides you with a sense of grounding, leading to a comfortable sleep.
As per Buddhist belief, Lord Buddha was in Purna Gyan Mudra, a variation of Gyan Mudra, when he attained the wisdom of enlightenment.
Stories say that Lord Krishna was in hasta mudra when he was sharing the knowledge of Bhagvad Geeta with Arjuna.
This mudra has great significance in both religions, and it is considered divine, powerful, and highly spiritual