Fitness > Yoga for Thyroid – 8 Poses That Will Help Reduce Thyroid
10th May 2022

Yoga for Thyroid – 8 Poses That Will Help Reduce Thyroid

Alan Finger said, “Yoga adds years to your life, and life to your years.” Though we may not know who Alan Finger is, we are no stranger to the holistic benefits of yoga. Yoga today is not just a low-impact exercise suitable for people who cannot do strenuous exercises or have no access to the gym. Thanks to all the hype, we now know the myriad benefits of yoga supporting complete well-being. Yoga is known to successfully address most lifestyle-related disorders, providing a simple solution resulting in a healthy body and mind. 

But can Yoga help in thyroid? Yes, numerous people have benefitted from yoga for thyroid. Thyroid disorder affects a person’s metabolism, physical health, and mental health. Modern stressful lifestyle accelerates and aggravates most disorders, including thyroid. Yoga poses for thyroid help in balancing thyroid function by lowering stress levels. Yoga asanas include twisting, compression, and stretching, which help to massage the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland and regulate hormone release. 

Can yoga cure thyroid permanently? 

Yoga is a way of leading a holistic, healthy life. It is not a cure for the thyroid. Yoga for thyroid and weight loss can help maintain the weight, reduce a person’s stress levels and improve overall well-being, thereby controlling thyroid. As stress is often directly linked to thyroid, therefor yoga for thyroid gland benefits many thyroid patients. However, there are other conditions too that contribute to the thyroid. 

What are the Benefits of Yoga for Thyroid? 

Yoga has the benefit of being good for both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Yoga asanas for thyroid cure help to enhance blood circulation, which helps hormone secretion. Practicing yoga for thyroid problems strengthens the neck and concentrates on activating the thyroid gland in the throat. It’s important to remember that yoga for thyroid disorder is a gradual process, and the benefits of yoga for thyroid patients may take time to show. 

Top 8 Yoga Poses for Thyroid 

Most people ask which yoga is good for thyroid? There is no best yoga for thyroid. You need to practice a set of asanas with a healthy lifestyle for effective control of the thyroid. Practice these yoga asanas for thyroid to control your thyroid : 

1. Plough pose 


Plough pose or Halasana gets its name from the plough used by farmers to prepare their soil for the sowing of seeds. This pose is beneficial for strengthening the spinal cord, releasing the muscular tension of the back, and stimulating the thyroid. Halasana helps in regulating the production of hormones by the thyroid and pituitary glands. 

How to do it 

To learn how to do the plough pose, follow the below instructions: 

  • Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat. 
  • Place a rolled blanket or towel under your neck to support your shoulders. 
  • Bring your shoulders to the edge of the rolled towel/blanket while keeping your head on the yoga mat. 
  • Your arms should be placed on either side with your palms facing down. 
  • Press your back and arms firmly into the mat. 
  • Breathe in while lifting your legs from the mat at a right angle. 
  • Breathe out and lift your legs further up, bringing them over your head. 
  • Support your lower back with your hands. 
  • Push your shoulders into the mat as your legs go right over and behind your head. 
  • Rest your toes on the mat behind your head. 
  • Take three deep breaths keeping your toes on the mat. 
  • Take a deep breath as you bring back your legs above your head. 
  • Remove your arms from your back and place them on either side of you. 
  • Breathe out as you slowly lower your legs on the mat. 

Tip: The plough pose is a safe yoga pose; however, initially, overweight or large-breasted women may feel a bit uncomfortable doing it. Remember to do it as per your comfort level and slowly. At any point, if you feel breathless or experience pain, come out of the pose slowly. 

2. Legs-up-the-wall pose 


Legs-up-the-wall or Viparita Karani pose is a yoga restorative inversion pose. In this pose, there is no pressure on the neck; hence it is suitable for all people, even overweight ones. This 

The passive pose of simple yoga for thyroid is beneficial in restoring your balance and relieving stress. 

How to do it 

Follow the below instructions to know how to do this yoga pose: 

You will need a firm pillow or a folded blanket to support your hips. 

Keep this pillow or folded blanket under your hips. 

Sit against a wall on your right side towards the wall. 

Lie back on the mat as you lift your legs up the wall. 

Your buttocks should be right by the wall. Initially, you may not be able to place your buttocks by the wall, so you can keep them a few inches away from the wall. However, try to push them closer to the wall as much as you can. 

Relax your neck and chin and soften your throat. 

Your arms can be along your body, above your head, or in any other position comfortable for you. 

Rest in this pose for up to 20 minutes. 

Release from the pose by pushing your legs from the wall and resting on your side for a few minutes. 

Tip: Try variations of this yoga pose by opening your legs as they are up along the wall. You can also bring your soles together while bending your knees. Stay in these positions for 5 minutes before releasing from the pose by pushing against the wall.  

3. Cat-cow pose 


The cat-cow pose or Chakravakasana is an invigorating yoga asana beneficial in stimulating the thyroid gland. The combination of stretch and release relaxes the back, releasing stress. When you bring your chin towards your chest, stretching your back, it exposes your throat chakra increasing the blood flow to the neck area and improving the circulation of spinal fluid. This helps in balancing the thyroid gland, improving mental clarity, and boosting energy. 

How to do it 

Learn how to do the cat-cow pose from the below instructions: 

  • Come on all your fours on a yoga mat with your wrists placed directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips. 
  • Move slightly forward-backwards and from side to side to adjust your weight. 
  • Now come back to the centre and feel an equal weight on your four limbs. 
  • Breathe in, filling your belly with air as you bend forward on the mat, looking up. 
  • As you look up towards the ceiling, stretch your throat and neck lengthening them. 
  • Breathe out, drawing your navel into your spine. 
  • Your chin should tuck into your chest as you breathe out to round your spine and lift it towards the ceiling. 
  • Move and stretch with your breath. 
  • Repeat for few times. 
  • Now relax and sink to the mat into the child pose for a few minutes. 

Tip: Once you have mastered the cat-cow pose, try this asana by lifting your alternate leg and arm for more benefits. 

4. Pranayama for thyroid 


Pranayama is a powerful tool for stimulating the throat’s reflex pathways. Hormone production in the thyroid glands is regulated with the constant practice of pranayama. People having hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are both helped by pranayama. Ujjayi pranayama allows you to connect with your pranic systems, which are the foundation of metabolic activity. 

How to do it 

Here are steps to practice Ujjayi pranayama : 

  • Sit in a comfortable position such as Padmasana. 
  • Take a deep breath using both of your nostrils. 
  • Exhale with force, making a sound resembling “Hhaaa” emanating from your stomach. 
  • You should feel your stomach going inwards as you exhale. 
  • Repeat this for few times. 

Tip: Start with practicing this a few times once a day, and then when master, go on to practice a few times a day. 

5. Cobra Pose 


Cobra pose or Bhujangasana is a great asana for strengthening the spine and improving the flexibility of the back. It also gently stimulates your throat and thyroid. 

How to do it 

Follow these steps to do this pose: 

  • Lie down on a yoga mat on your stomach. 
  • Place both your palms on your sides just under your shoulders or beside your chest. 
  • Your elbows should be squeezed to your sides. 
  • Lift your head and upper body from the mat, putting pressure on your palms. 
  • Your back should be arched with your lower body touching the mat. 
  • Feel the stretch in your stomach and spine. 
  • Breathe deeply for up to three counts. 
  • Slowly lower your head and chest back to the mat. 
  • Rest your head on the mat for a few seconds. 
  • Repeat for few times. 

Tip: Remember your elbows should always be pressed to your sides for better results. 

6. Supported-Shoulder stand Pose 


Sarvangasana, or the supported-shoulder stand pose, is called the Queen of the asanas. This asana stimulates the functioning of the whole body as inferred by its name, where “sarv” means all and “anga” means part of the body. As the asana involves being upside-down, known as an inversion in yoga, it increases blood flow to your throat. This stimulates and nourishes your thyroid gland, regulating your metabolism, controlling your heart rate, and balancing your nervous system. 

How to do it 

To do this pose, follow these instructions: 

  • Lie down on your back on a yoga mat. 
  • Place a rolled blanket or towel under your shoulders for support. 
  • Your shoulder should be on the edge of the rolled towel or blanket with your head resting on the mat. 
  • With your palms facing down, rest your arms on your side. 
  • Press your back and arms firmly into the mat. 
  • Inhale and lift your legs at a 90-degree angle. 
  • Exhale and further lift your legs, pushing on your shoulders. 
  • Support your lower back and hips with your hands. 
  • Your stomach should be pulled in to strengthen your core. 
  • Your body and legs should be in a straight line from your shoulders with your chin tucked into your chest. 
  • Breathe deeply for three counts. 
  • Slowly lower your legs to the mat with your core still engaged. 

Tip: Initially, you may not be able to lift your legs straight. Start with lifting it to an angle comfortable for you, and with regular practice, keep lifting your legs further up. 

7. Fish Pose 


Fish pose or Matsyasana is a reclining back-bending pose that stretches and opens up your throat, shoulders, chest, and abdomen. It’s a good pose to improve your posture as it stimulates your abdominal and thoracic organs. This pose is a straightforward asana ideal for beginners. 

How to do it 

Follow the instructions to do the fish pose: 

  • Sit down on a mat with your legs extended in front of you. 
  • Place your hands behind you on the mat with your fingers tucked underneath your buttocks. 
  • Lean back on the mat on your elbows. 
  • Your shoulders should be aligned with your elbows. 
  • Gently drop your head backwards to a position you are comfortable. The eventual aim is to touch your crown to the mat. 
  • Your chest should be up and open with your shoulders back. 
  • Take three deep breaths in this position. 
  • Now slowly lift your head and release your arms to come out of the fish pose. 

Tip: Do the fish pose after the Plough pose or shoulder stand as this pose stretches your body in the opposite direction, countering the plow or shoulder stand. 

8. Upward Bow Pose 


The Upward bow pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana is also referred to as the wheel pose. This asana stretches the lungs and chest providing energy and stimulating the thyroid and pituitary glands. It’s a great pose to strengthen the spine, arms, and legs. 

How to do it 

Here are the steps to do this pose: 

  • Lie down flat on a mat. 
  • Bend your knees, bringing them close to your body. 
  • Place your hands beside your head with your fingers pointing towards your shoulders and your elbows pointing upwards. 
  • Exhale and lift your tailbone and buttocks, pressing your feet into the mat. 
  • Your thighs and inner feet should be aligned. 
  • Lift onto your crown, pressing on your feet and hands. 
  • Lift your head completely off the mat, exhaling. 
  • Your arms should be straight. 
  • Spreading your shoulder blades, allow your head to hang loosely. 
  • Take deep breaths and hold yourself in this pose for a few seconds. 
  • Slowly release yourself from this pose by bending your arms and returning to the mat. 

Tip: If you are a beginner, try this pose with the help of someone. 

Remember to regularly do these yoga poses for thyroid health. But for thyroid yoga along with an active lifestyle and a healthy diet are necessary. Also, keep in mind that it’s necessary to adhere to one’s physical & mental limitations and not overexert. This holds especially true for seniors, pregnant women, people with chronic health conditions and children.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which yoga is best for thyroid? 

Halasana, Sarvangasana, and Urdhva Dhanurasana are a few of the yoga asana beneficial for the thyroid. 

Can yoga cure thyroid permanently? 

Yoga is not a thyroid cure. It’s a holistic approach to a healthy body and mind that helps you in relieving your symptoms, controlling your thyroid, and gradually reducing your medication. Together with a healthy lifestyle, proper medicine and therapy can make a significant difference in your thyroid. 

Which Mudra is good for thyroid? 

Surya or Agni or sun mudra is good for the thyroid. By practicing Surya mudra, you can stimulate your thyroid gland’s metabolic functioning. 

What exercise is good for thyroid? 

Any low-impact exercise such as yoga, biking, or walking at a brisk pace is good for thyroid. 

Is walking good for thyroid? 

Hypothyroidism is associated with joint and muscle pain, so brisk walking is suitable for relieving leg pain caused by hypothyroidism.  

Is ghee good for thyroid? 

A high intake of fatty food such as ghee may disrupt your body’s ability to absorb thyroid hormones.