12 Laws of Karma for Profound Living – Explained
Karma is derived from a Sanskrit word translating to ‘Action’ in English. There are numerous misconceptions about the notion of karma, and how it can affect our lives as well as those around us. The definition of karma can be different based on who you ask about it. While most people have adopted the meaning of Karma that has been deeply embedded in Eastern philosophies, others infer it in the Western sense of good and bad. In this article, we will talk about karmic philosophy and the 12 rules that govern it. Keep reading to explore further!
What are the 12 Laws of Karma?
Everything in the universe, including the things you think and the emotions you feel, are just energy. Simply put, all of your actions generate inverse energy that will find its way back to impact you in some way, at some point. Using the laws of karma as the rules for leading a prosperous life, is believed to guide you to awareness of the consequences of your deeds and actions.
Keeping that in mind, you should consider the laws of karma as directions to abide by in your life. The 12 principles of karma aid you in understanding the way it functions and how exactly you can manifest positive karma for yourself. Let’s take a look at what these laws are.
1. The Law of Cause and Effect
This is the most basic law, often closely associated with the concept of karma. This law states that whatever energy or thoughts you manifest; you shall receive in return – positive or negative. If you want to achieve all the things you wish in life, you have to build yourself to be deserving of these things. It can be summarized as ‘You reap what you sow’. For instance, being loving to yourself can help you achieve love in life.
2. The Law of Creation
The law of creation underlines the fact that life is not just a unique experience to us. If you want to achieve great things in life, you will need to manifest and carry out affirmative action to achieve them. And not hold out hope for things to magically align with your intentions. It is recommended that you ask yourself what needs to be done to let go of negative energy and to manifest what you want in life. Another way of doing so is by considering how exactly your talents can be used to provide something beneficial for people around you.
3.The Law of Humility
This law of karma states that an individual should not be so arrogant as not to accept the fact that anything they are facing right now is the consequence of their own past deeds. For instance, blaming others for one’s own unsatisfactory professional performance instead of accepting that this is resultant of their own failure to carry out their duties to their full potential.
4. The Law of Growth
Although most people want to experience change instantly, real lasting change only comes from within. To make the world more loving and positive, one needs to start within themselves. This is because growth starts with yourself and not others around you. In the end, you should be your only focus and not other people and their actions.
5. The Law of Responsibility
This law states that you are responsible for whatever you experience in life. This law ensures that you do not blame other people or things as the root of your problems. The law of responsibility states that a person is a cumulation of all the decisions they have made in life.
6. The Law of Connection
This law revolves around the belief that all phases of your life including your life history, your present state right now, and what is to come, are interconnected. Everything that you experience today is a consequence of your intentions and actions in the past, and your deeds today will determine your future.
7.The Law of Focus
Dividing focus between multiple things simultaneously can make the mind cluttered and cause negativity and frustration. This is why the law of focus stresses the importance of focusing on a single thing at a particular time. If you want to get rid of feelings of regret, anger, or greed, you should concentrate on the higher wisdom of peace and love.
8.The Law of Hospitality and Giving
This law of karma states that you should give and commit to the things that have made you the person you are. It focuses on the impact of your actions and the reflection of your simpler understanding of the energies surrounding you. For instance, if you wish to reside in a world of love and peace, you need to turn your efforts into creating such an environment for the people around you.
9.The Law of Here and Now
Embracing the present is one of the best ways to truly experience tranquillity and achieve inner peace. This can be done by letting go of all the negative behaviors and thoughts from the past. If you focus too much on one event from the time that has already passed, you will be destined to relive that moment repeatedly. One way people can embrace the moment they are living in is by focusing their eyes upon something, blinking, and affirming ‘I am here’.
10. The Law of Change
This law states that history will repeat itself unless you learn something from past events and take the appropriate steps to break the cycle. This will give you an opportunity for change so that you are free to create an improved version of yourself and a better future, void of any vicious patterns from the past.
11. The Law of Patience and Reward
This law dictates that to inculcate change in the future, you should be consistent with your actions in the present. There is no point in living healthy for one day and contradicting your actions the very next day. Be consistent in your actions and intentions, and you will achieve what you want in life.
12. The Law of Inspiration and Importance
In this vast world, all of us have different roles and something to contribute. What we contribute might seem insignificant to us, but it can make a huge difference in someone else’s life. This is a great law to practice if you need motivation in life and feel like you lack a purpose. Everything you contribute to the world will affect other people in some way. You were born with a specific purpose that only you can complete with your skills and uniqueness.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Karma is any action. It can be considered the spiritual equivalent of Newton’s law. Every action or intention, whether physical or mental, creates an energy of karma coming to fruition in the future.
According to Hindu philosophy, karma can be of three types, namely prarabdha, sanchita, and kriyamana or agami.
Karma is derived from the Sanskrit word Karman, which made its first appearance in Vedic texts dated 100-700 BC.