Tips for Diabetic Elders During Covid-19
Here is what you should take care of:
1. Monitor your Blood Glucose at least twice with a glucometer and note down the readings. If your blood sugar has registered high (greater than 240 mg/dl) more than twice simultaneously, call your doctor/diabetologist.
2. Call your doctor if you notice the symptoms of COVID-19 ie. dry cough, fever or shortness of breath.
3. Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes, COVID-19 will not pose a different risk. The impact, however, will severely depend on how you have been managing diabetes.
4. It is advised that you are cared for by one member of the family and keep distance if anyone in your family is unwell. It is advisable to keep your emergency contact numbers handy which include your doctor, pharmacist, your family members or anyone else who you trust your health with.
5. Adhere to your Diabetes Medicine Routine more than ever before.
6. If you take Insulin Injection, you must stock up your insulin supplies.
7. Please, maintain hand hygiene and other everyday precautions.
Diabetes requires proper management. It is important that you ensure healthy eating and healthy living. As COVID-19 scare spreads, it is not something that should bother you. If you are taking the precautions mentioned above and eating healthy while staying indoors, you are definitely managing it well. However, here are a few indoor exercises since stepping out during COVID-19 can be risky.
1. Walk indoors or on your rooftop for at least 30 minutes a day.
2. Stationary cycling is a good option. Cycle for a few minutes.
3. Stretching exercises must be done a few minutes daily.
4. Practice Yoga, especially breathing exercises that help to strengthen the lungs.
5. Light upper body exercises are advisable.
As elders, it is important that you take good care of yourself. Diabetes should not come in your way of staying carefree during the lockdown. Eldercare companies such as Emoha are there to ensure that elderly years are filled with independence, comfort, security, joy and much beyond.