Busy > Learn About the Significance of Vitamin D for Seniors
21st Jul 2022
Vitamin D an Essential dose for Healthy Ageing

Learn About the Significance of Vitamin D for Seniors

Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for good health. Research shows that vitamin D in seniors is essential for overall wellness and longer life expectancy. Unfortunately, vitamin D levels tend to drop significantly in people as they age. What is the best way to ensure your body gets the proper vitamin D to function correctly? Go outside and play with friends and family during the day. Your bodies need sunlight to make vitamin D, so staying inside all day causes your body to miss out on this essential nutrient. To help keep your vitamin D levels up while ageing, here’s what you need to know about this vital vitamin.


What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a nutrient needed for strong bones and muscles, good digestion, hormone functions, healthy skin, brain development, and a healthy immune system. It’s also essential as we age. There are two types of vitamin D: vitamin D2, also called ergocalciferol, and vitamin D3, also called 7-dehydrocholesterol. Both are created by the sun when skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. Vitamin D in your body is created when cholesterol is exposed to ultraviolet rays on the skin. It’s stored in the skin and the liver. When your body doesn’t get enough sunlight, the liver makes extra cholesterol, and the body uses this to create vitamin D.


What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D?

The body needs vitamin D for healthy bones, teeth, muscles, and immunity. When enough vitamin D is not received, the body can’t produce enough healthy hormones, like serotonin, insulin, and cortisol. This can lead to vitamin D deficiency syndrome, which includes weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea, dizziness, and depression. If you have severe vitamin D deficiency, you may also have poor absorption of calcium in your body, leading to a condition called rickets in children or Osteomalacia in adults.


Why is Vitamin D Essential for Healthy Ageing?

Vitamin D is essential for the healthy ageing process because it helps the body use calcium and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus are necessary for strong bones and muscles, good digestion, hormone functions, healthy skin, brain development, and a healthy immune system. Vitamin D helps regulate metabolism by helping you burn calories more efficiently and controlling your appetite. It is essential as you age because your metabolism decreases as you get older. Vitamin D helps you maintain a healthy weight by helping you feel full and eat less.


Can Too Much Vitamin D Be Harmful?

Excessive vitamin D intake can lead to too much calcium in the body and hypercalcemia. If this happens, your kidneys may not be able to clear calcium from your blood properly, which may lead to kidney stones, hypertension, and damage to the soft tissues in your eyes and kidneys.


Where to Get Your Dose of Vitamin D?

Your body makes vitamin D when your skin is exposed to sunlight. You can obtain vitamin D from foods like fish, liver, mushrooms, and cod liver oil. Many foods, like milk and some breakfast cereals, are fortified with vitamin D. Fish is an excellent source of Vitamin D especially mackerel & salmon. Salmon is an excellent source of vitamin D, which helps keep your bones strong. In a study of young women, those with the highest salmon intake were 34% less likely to suffer a broken bone.



Vitamin D is a nutrient that is needed in the body to absorb calcium, for good digestion, brain development, and a healthy immune system. Vitamin D is essential for good health because it allows the body to use the calcium and phosphorus found in food. Vitamin D can be gained through sunlight and foods like cod liver oil. Ageing can cause a drop in vitamin D levels, leading to poor health and even death. A daily vitamin D supplement is useful to ensure your body gets enough of this vital vitamin. Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for ageing gracefully. Still, everyone needs to ensure their bodies get enough vitamin D.


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What causes ageing?    

Ageing is caused by genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors.


How do I stop ageing?

Consuming a healthy diet and exercising regularly helps slow the ageing process. Getting proper sleep is essential to maintaining a healthy body and preventing disease.


Can ageing be prevented or slowed down?           

Yes, it is possible to slow down ageing. Several ways to slow down ageing include maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and eating a healthy diet.


What is the biggest cause of ageing?

Free radicals, the unstable molecules produced due to physiological metabolism, damage cells and cause cellular mutations. When cells are damaged, they age and lose their ability to function correctly.


What are the effects of ageing?

The most common effect of ageing is the loss of muscle mass and strength.


How can I look younger?

There are several ways to look younger. One of the most apparent one is to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly. You should try to eat various foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.


What are the types of ageing?     

Types of Ageing:

  • Cellular Ageing
  • Hormonal Ageing
  • Accumulative Damage
  • Metabolic Ageing

What are the periods of development in human life?     

Four periods of development are:

  • Infancy
  • Childhood
  • Adolescence
  • Adulthood


What is the process of ageing?        

The ageing process is the gradual accumulation of biological and chemical changes that can occur in the body over time.


What is normal ageing?

Normal ageing is the process by which an organism ages, which involves changes in the body’s functions and structures.