Emoha Doctor Talk: In conversation with Dr. Anurag Kehar on Back Pain
Qs. Let’s begin with the most basic question – what is back pain?
Pain in any segment of the spine below the cervical spine is termed as back pain.
Qs. What are the back pain reasons?
Almost everyone, regardless of their age group, gender, lifestyle, posture etc suffer from back pain at some point of their life. One of the primary back pain reasons is poor posture maintained for long durations or maybe on a regular basis.
Qs. What is a lower back pain?
Pain in the lumbar region (which starts below the ribcage) of the spine is called lower back pain.
Qs. What are the lower back pain reasons?
Poor muscle strength in the lower back, degenerative changes like arthritis and low bone density, sedentary lifestyle and /or changes in the natural blood chemistry, especially when not tended to for extended periods of time are few of the lower back pain reasons.
Qs. Is lower back pain/back pain specific to any age group?
No, back pain is not specific to any age group. Anyone can have a back pain at any point of their life due to some or the other reason. Although, back pain or nerve compression due to degenerative changes is more prominently seen in elders, above the age of 60, specially in elderly females.
Qs. What can be done to prevent back pain?
Regular exercise, a balanced diet, postural care at workplace in case you have a sitting job, and certain ergonomics care activities go a long way in making sure that you don’t suffer from back pain very frequently.
Qs. Does stress also lead to back/lower back pain?
Although there is no scientific explanation behind the connection between back pain and stress, it does play a role in some special cases. If you have a history of abdominal pain that could be triggered by stress, peptic ulcers being the more common reason for that, it is possible that the abdominal pain may get radiated to your back in some cases, though rare. But in majority of cases, stress isn’t a factor.
Qs. Are there any chances of back pain leading to permanent disability?
Back pain in general relieve over time and causes physical restrictions only in some particular types of movements. But yes, if there is a radiating pain or numbness in the hands or legs accompanying the pain, then there could be a nerve compression, which if left untreated, can lead to permanent disability in the long run.
Qs. What lifestyle changes can improve one’s back pain?
- Use a high sitting chair in the office
- Avoid sitting for extended periods of time, take a break and walk around
- When lifting a heavy object, bend your knees and use the pressure of your legs to lift and not your back
- Have a calcium rich diet or take calcium supplement if you know you have calcium deficiency
Qs. What are the treatments available for back pain?
Physical therapy and chiropractors are the usual source of treatment in back pains. Surgery is done only in very extreme cases mostly due to trauma, or to correct any major deformity of the spine by birth.
Qs. What can be done to prevent lower back pain from getting worse?
If you already have back pain, do hot water fermentation of the painful area. Try not to do exercises or movements that may aggravate the pain. Wear a lumbo sacral brace if necessary. Seek medical attention if the pain is aggravating with time or if you feel any other symptoms along with the pain.
Watch our MOH (Ministry Of Happiness) TV’s virtual session on back exercises which Dr. Kehar conducted for our elders: Back Exercises conductedby Dr. Kehar
If you want to get some expert advice on the back pain that’s been troubling you for long, feel free to reach out to us on 1800-123-445555.