Health > Arthritis and its Treatment for Seniors
1st Aug 2022
Most effective Techniques to control Arthritis in Seniors

Arthritis and its Treatment for Seniors

The ageing process comes with a host of health concerns. It is a fact of life that as we age, our body faces mobility and other issues. One of the common issues faced among seniors is joint pain and arthritis.

The prevalence of the disease among seniors is much higher than in any other age group. There are more than a hundred distinct forms of illnesses, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis being the most prevalent in seniors. The hallmark of all forms of arthritis is joint inflammation, which causes pain, stiffness, and a reduced range of motion.


What are the Root Causes of Arthritis?

Various factors can contribute to this disease, aside from the wear and tear that your body undergoes as you age. Here is a list of some reasons that can be possible arthritis causes:


1. Obesity: Obesity could be one of the reasons you may develop this disease, as it adds extra strain on the joints. Therefore, keeping a check on your weight is a must.

2. Damage/Overuse: The illness may also be brought on by untreated injuries that take too long to heal and by overusing particular joint

3. Genetics: Like many other fortunate or tragic aspects of life, the disease can be inherited. Nevertheless, even if it is inherited, there are strategies to manage it.

4. Weak Joints: It can also develop if the muscles that support your joints are weakened.


Symptoms and Signs Indicating Arthritis 

A common type of arthritis senior citizens face is a degenerative joint condition called osteoarthritis, brought on by the slow loss of cartilage in seniors. An autoimmune illness called rheumatoid is brought on by the body’s immune system attacking the joints. Gout, fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis, and other conditions are examples of other joint illnesses.


Here are some of the arthritis symptoms:

    1. Joint swelling or erythema
    2. Joint rigidity
    3. Having trouble moving a joint
    4. Persistent joint discomfort or sensitivity
    5. Joint enlargement or swelling


Treatment for Arthritis

There are several therapies for arthritis pain that can aid in symptom management and shield the joints from harm. If your arthritis type impacts the joints, your symptoms will determine the best course of action. As part of treatment, you could:

    • Take medication, such as painkillers, anti-inflammatory meds, or disease-slowing medications.
    • Approach for pain management through meditation, yoga, or physiotherapy.
    • Arthroscopic surgery to mend joints; immunosuppressive medications for rheumatoid arthritis treatment; cortisone injections for pain management;
    • Surgery for the disease of the spine, wrist, foot, or fingers frequently involves joint fusion.
    • Surgery could be required in extreme circumstances to replace or repair damaged joints.


The Most Effective Techniques to Control Arthritis in Seniors

There are no shortcuts when managing a challenging ailment. Take your arthritis treatment seriously, do everything you can to heal gradually, and strive toward rehabilitation. Here are some tried-and-true strategies for efficiently managing arthritis and enabling joint pain relief:


1. Diet

For your general health and wellness, you should eat healthily. You may lessen the strain on your joints by eating a balanced diet to help you maintain a healthy weight, which could ease joint discomfort. Consuming a wholesome, well-balanced diet that emphasises anti-inflammatory foods such as oily salmon, olive oil, almonds, and berries and good calcium-rich dairy products can help prevent and fight the disease. You can consult a neutralist or dietician for proper guide intake if needed.


2. Exercise regularly

One of the best strategies to treat the disease is regular exercise. A successful fitness programme consists of a combination of three different forms of exercise. As follows:

    • Try exercises like swimming, playing tennis, or brisk walking strengthening to help increase the muscles, which will give better support for your joints.
    • Range of motion exercises like yoga or dance helps improve strength and flexibility and encourages excellent posture.
    • Try weight training aerobics to increase your heart rate, which strengthens your heart and helps you become fitter and build your endurance. These exercises mainly include running or riding a bicycle or practising aerobics.


3. Rest, Meditation, and good mental Health

It is well known that stress may worsen various diseases or unpleasant health situations. As a result, it is critical to offer your body the best chance of healing by obtaining enough sleep and relaxation after engaging in any physical activity. Apart from this, being mentally sound and healthy also helps in a positive way to fight any disease, as it makes you mentally strong. Relaxing the body by giving it massages frequently can provide arthritis pain relief.


4. Decent footwear

Get a pair of shoes that fit you properly and have room for your toes. They should be comfy. A must-have is high-quality insoles since they make walking more comfortable and stable. The majority of us frequently disregard the calibre and substance of footwear.


5. Ask for assistance when you need it

    • There are mobility assistance devices available that you can opt for. You might choose a walking stick that gives you support to start. For people with moderate to severe disease, walkers are excellent mobility aids that can keep your body weight balanced and act as a reliable companion to help you obtain your recommended daily amount of walking. In the direst circumstances, you could choose a wheelchair.
    • Even though the disease may affect any joint in an aged person, it most frequently affects the hands, knees, hips, and lower spine. This often makes it challenging to do everyday tasks, which may make seniors depressed. In this situation, it is advised to hire a professional caregiver to assist with physical activities like washing and dressing, meal preparation, etc.
    • You can modify your home by finding equipment and products that can help you do simple exercises like getting in or out of chairs, preparing food, or helping you get up from the sofa. You can safeguard your joints by utilising tools to simplify your life and learning the best methods for doing regular chores.

If you are looking for a one-stop solution to enhance your senior health, look no further. The Emoha app helps seniors improve their health and safety, all in the comfort of their own homes. With the app, you get access to various live-interactive shows, ranging from daily yoga classes to healthy cooking shows. Additionally, you can avail of facilities like 24/7 emergency support (medical & nonmedical), daily convenience help desk, daily care calls, medicine reminders, health counselling, one-tap access to all medical documents, special discounts on medicines, and much more. Download the app on Google Play Store and iOS App Store.



The onset of arthritis in senior citizens can be traumatising, yet many people suffer from this ailment. The disease not only pushes a pause button on one’s ability to carry out menial tasks but has also been found to upset emotional and mental wellbeing. Knowledge of proven therapies and arthritis medication is vital in controlling the disease and joint pain issues. It can be treated with daily life changes and minimal medication if diagnosed early. Despite that, many of the population have a casual approach to this. Some even resort to techniques and superstitions with zero scientific support (yep, copper bracelets and snake venom don’t work). Early identification and prompt treatment can limit the long-term harm. Hence, it is advisable to consult your doctor as soon as one realises the onset of joint-related issues. The disease is not the end of your happy routine life, but an indication of growing age and a reminder to take care of your body.



How do doctors test for arthritis?

Analysing different bodily fluids, i.e., blood, urine, and joint fluid, can help doctors identify arthritis.


How do you stop arthritis from progressing?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, controlling blood sugar, regular exercise, ergonomic footwear, and proper medication is efficient in slowing the progression of arthritis.


Does arthritis hurt all the time?

Pain from arthritis can be a constant pain or a pain that comes and goes away during a particular movement or maintaining a specific position.


Read more:


Everything You Need To Know About Arthritis & It’s Management

How to Fight Arthritis Pain Naturally?