Simple And Effective Home Remedies For Frequent Urination
About a million people are affected by urinary frequency, and it is not limited only to seniors. Urinary issues can affect people of all ages but are treatable. Many young individuals have functional bladder outlet blockages, an obstruction in the urinary tract. On the other hand, incontinence is a condition that affects a lot of nursing home residents.
Urinary tract infections, enlarged prostates, drugs, and even malignant growths can all trigger frequent urination. The cause of excessive urination will determine the necessary treatment. A few home remedies for frequent urination are listed below.
What Are the Consequences of Frequent Urination?
When it comes to frequent urination, it signifies that your body is unable to control the activity of the bladder effectively. It is usually caused by an overactive bladder, which generally prevents your bladder from holding urine. An overactive bladder is a common condition among over a million people. However, those with severe health conditions, such as renal disease or diabetes, are more likely to have an overactive bladder.
All-natural cures for frequent urination
- Pomegranate juice: Churn the skin of the pomegranate, add a pinch of it to water, and drink it twice a day.
- Roasted horse grams: Take toasted horse grams on a regular basis for a few days.
- Sesame seeds: To prevent frequent urination, eat sesame seeds combined with jaggery.
- Fenugreek seeds: Crush the seeds, blend them with ginger, as well as honey or water, and drink twice daily.
- Spinach: Consuming boiled spinach will assist in balancing the urine flow.
- Fruits: Constipation can be relieved by eating more fruits like apples, sweet potatoes, raspberries, bananas, brown rice, and cherries.
- Exercise: Practice control by holding in your urine for an extended time throughout the day. Remember that holding your urine for too long can raise your risk of infection, so don’t overdo it.
- Kegels: Perform kegel exercises.
- Vinegar: To minimise frequent urination, mix two teaspoons of white vinegar with a half cup of warm water and consume.
- Baking soda: For a few days, mix a teaspoon of soda into a glass of water and drink once a day.
- Cranberry juice: This is useful for lowering the urge to urinate, as it has bacteria-inhibiting qualities. Drink a lot of pure cranberry juice to help avoid urinary tract infections and frequent urination.
- Amla: Amla is a good source of vitamin C, which helps to enhance the immune system and treat urinary tract infections. This Indian home remedy for frequent urination has anti-inflammatory qualities that are beneficial.
- Aloe Vera: This home remedy for frequent urination and burning helps to reduce discomfort while urinating. It also aids in the improvement of kidney function.
- Cumin seeds: Aids in the relief of stomach problems that may affect urination.
- Drinking warm water daily also helps alleviate frequent urination caused by digestive system issues.
- Jaggery: This is a popular treatment for frequent urination symptoms.
- Yoghurt: High in probiotics, yoghurt contributes to establishing a healthy digestive system and kidneys.
- Powdered cinnamon: This natural medicine contains anti-inflammatory components that reduce inflammation and burning effects. It also enhances renal function, which aids in the reduction of frequent urination.
When frequent urination is caused by something other than a transitory problem, such as a urinary tract infection, there is no need to worry. Despite the lack of a cure for frequent urination, various treatments can help keep frequent urine bouts under control.
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The need to urinate frequently might be inconvenient for anyone. The emergence of this symptom can be due to common causes or may be due to underlying medical disorders like diabetes. A few natural home remedies for frequent urination and burning include amla, horse gram, Kegel exercises, and so on. These may also help with underlying causes of the urge to urinate. However, if you discover that you are peeing more than four to eight times per day or if you experience symptoms such as vomiting, fever, and so on, you should see a doctor.
Taking cranberry juice, herbal tea, and tulsi tea, eating probiotics, and orally consuming baking soda or apple cider vinegar mixed with water are very effective home treatments for frequent urination.
Intake of amla, cranberry, and Aloe vera can be beneficial in relieving the issue.
Saw Palmetto, Uva Ursi, Cranberry, Cornsilk, Passionflower, Valerian, Asian Ginseng, and Schisandra are some herbal therapies for frequent urination.
Frequent urination is not usually associated with a medical issue. It could be caused by excessive fluid consumption, pregnancy, medicines, and anxiety.
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