Here are 5 Precautions Seniors Can Take to Prevent Hearing Loss
One of the most prevalent problems among the elderly is hearing loss. Your elderly loved one may feel lonely if communication and social interaction are difficult due to age-related hearing loss disability. Seniors with hearing problems may experience depression or social withdrawal due to feeling irritated or ashamed about their inability to follow conversations. The fact that elderly persons often have trouble hearing leads to the misconception that they are confused, unresponsive, or uncooperative.
Since hearing issues can develop at any age, preventative efforts should begin young and become ingrained behaviours over time. Here are the top 5 strategies for avoiding hearing problems:
1. Discover the Symptoms
Many older adults feel that their hearing problem is just a natural part of becoming older since they are unaware of hearing loss symptoms. If your loved one knows the signs, they have a higher chance of catching it in time to speak with a doctor about available hearing loss treatments. Some of the most typical signs of hearing loss include an earache that rings, Otosclerosis of the ears, either one or both ears hurt or abrupt alterations in hearing.
A hearing problem may indicate the onset of a significant medical disease also. Seniors should seek medical advice from a doctor in such situations and consider available treatments and in-home care choices.
2. Avoid Loud/Harmful Noises
Your loved one must avoid loud, continuous noises that can harm their inner ear. They can use earplugs or another device to preserve their hearing. Every time your loved one engages in an activity that exposes them to 85 dB or greater sounds, they should wear this protective equipment.
Turn down the level on the stereo, TV, vehicle radio, and especially while using personal listening devices with headphones or earbuds to lessen the noise in your life. Never crank the volume above 50% when listening to music through headphones, and never go beyond 80%, even for a brief period.
The most hazardous pursuits and tools for our hearing include snowmobiles, hunting, using power tools, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, and jet skis. When engaging in these pursuits and sports, you should always wear ear protection, especially in settings where extended exposure to loud noises is frequent.
3. Maintain Good Hygiene
Wax accumulation from adverse hygiene practices might result in deafness. When cleaning the ears, watch out that your loved one doesn’t use a cotton swab to push the wax deeper within the ear. Never scrape or remove earwax from your ears with a cotton swab or other instrument. Your doctor can advise you on the most effective technique to get rid of earwax if it is causing you hearing issues.
4. Wear Hearing Protection Whenever Necessary
Wear hearing earplugs anytime surrounding noise impairs hearing, which may include loud machinery noises, among other things. Other sources, such as power tools, fireworks, and loud music during events, are also included. The fragile hair cells in the inner ear are harmed by excessive noise, which can also result in irreversible deafness and tinnitus. Use earplugs or earmuffs if you must be near loud noises. Talk to your employer if you are still employed, and your hearing is in danger due to noise.
5. Visit a Doctor Regularly
One of the most excellent strategies to prevent hearing impairment is to see a doctor frequently. Harm to the ear caused by noise cannot be undone once it has occurred but can be prevented to avoid more damage. Get your hearing evaluated by a specialist if you believe that you or a loved one is suffering from hearing impairment. Take immediate action if you are genetically susceptible to hearing loss. Although there is some evidence that supplements can help prevent deafness, you should always see your doctor before making any dietary changes.
Hearing issues can also result from untreated circulatory disorders such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions. Any circulation issues you may have might impair your hearing because the inner portions of the ear are fragile and sensitive. That is why it is essential to keep your medical conditions under control.
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Deafness can occur at any age, and multiple hearing loss causes could be responsible for it, from trauma to injury. Yet, seniors are more likely to develop hearing-related problems due to age. There are ways in which elderly citizen can protect their hearing. These include regular medical examinations, avoidance of unprescribed medicines, maintaining good hygiene, etc. It is imminent in older age to protect your sensory organs as they also become weak naturally, and co-morbidities can significantly impact their functions.
What are three warning signs of hearing loss?
Muffling speech and other sounds, difficulty understanding words, especially against background noise or in a crowd, and frequently asking others to speak more slowly, clearly and loudly are three signs of loss of hearing capacity.
Can earwax cause hearing loss?
Earwax, also called cerumen, is made by the body to protect the ears, but untreated buildup can lead to hearing loss, irritation, pain in the ear, dizziness, ringing in the ears and other problems.
Can stress cause hearing loss?
In the long term, the physical changes from stress can trigger hearing and inner ear problems. However, such cases are rare but not uncommon.
Read more:
What is the Impact of Hearing Loss on a Senior’s Independence?
Learn about the Causes And Prevention Of Hearing Loss In Elders
Ways for Seniors to Live Happily & Functionally with Hearing Loss