What is the Impact of Hearing Loss on a Senior’s Independence?
A significant sign of ageing is hearing issues, which frequently go undiagnosed. A senior’s standard of living may suffer due to this medical condition. Losing your hearing can profoundly affect how you communicate with people and navigate through life. Additionally, it may increase your risk of mental health conditions, including stress and sadness. In actuality, hearing impairment and depression in senior citizens often coexist. Hearing Loss may worsen mental health problems for people who already suffer from them.
Hearing Loss Can Lead to Lower Quality Relationships
Numerous studies have demonstrated that hearing issues could have a detrimental effect on interpersonal relationships. Seniors with hearing impairment may avoid interactions since they find it difficult to follow what someone has said, or they could speak more to compensate for their diminished hearing. They might dominate conversations instead of communicating with others as a result. Those without hearing devices were “highly prone to be viewed as someone being puzzled, bewildered, non-caring, arrogant and “unresponsive by family and friends, according to a survey of 4,000 persons with hearing impairments.
The same survey also reveals that “relational interpersonal friendliness considerably diminished as the hearing problem progressed.” These adverse effects might not immediately impact an elder individual’s independence, but can cause despair. One more point is that there are different types of hearing loss. We already understand that conditions like cardiovascular disease and hypertension can be made worse by melancholy or even develop into new issues. In conclusion, these conditions can make it harder for a senior to live freely.
Hearing Loss Can Put Seniors in Danger
There are various aspects of a senior’s health that may decline due to hearing loss. Seniors diagnosed with deafness may endanger their health if they:
- Are unable to hear the smoke alarm.
- While driving at night-time, don’t hear someone else’s vehicle honking.
- Cannot hear someone pounding on the doorway or perhaps an attacker in the residence
- Not paying attention to a physician’s advice and taking the incorrect dosage of prescription medication
- While walking, they can neglect to pay attention to the sound or honking of approaching cars
How Hearing Loss Affects Quality of Life
A senior who cannot be relied upon to take their medications as prescribed, who cannot drive securely, or who struggles to interact with large groups of individuals runs the danger of losing their freedom and living with a lowered standard of living. Even by themselves, hearing impairment places seniors in danger in their own houses and while travelling. Hearing issues will have a rippling effect that results in other medical problems. The good news is that using an earpiece can frequently improve independence and the standard of life.
Increases the Risk of Medication Mishaps
Seniors with hearing problems might have trouble following directions and digesting essential details. For instance, to conclude the conversation as soon as possible, a senior may agree when the chemist reviews the dosage directions. Your parents may be at risk if the hearing impairment prevents them from hearing crucial details, such as directions for the correct dose.
If you are looking for a one-stop solution to enhance your senior health, look no further. The Emoha app helps seniors improve their health and safety, all in the comfort of their own homes. With the Emoha app, you get access to a host of live-interactive shows, ranging from daily yoga classes to healthy cooking shows. Additionally, you can avail of facilities like 24/7 emergency support (medical & nonmedical), daily convenience help desk, daily care calls, medicine reminders, health counselling, one-tap access to all medical documents, special discounts on medicines, and much more. Download the app on Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
One of the most prevalent chronic illnesses in older age is hearing issues. It may severely harm a person’s social life, sense of independence, and mental well-being. Sadly, seniors frequently put off asking for assistance because they think it is an unavoidable aspect of growing older, or they are afraid of being stigmatised. Although numerous strategies and tools can significantly enhance a person’s standard of life, there is still a substantial unfulfilled necessity. As the senior generation grows, this requirement will also increase. Thus, medical personnel must identify troubled hearing and provide hearing loss treatment.
What are the three types of hearing loss?
The three main hearing loss types are:
- Sensorineural hearing loss
- Conductive hearing loss
- Mixed hearing loss
What are three warning signs of hearing loss?
- Comprehending words is challenging, particularly in noisy environments or when surrounded by others.
- Difficulties hearing consonants
- Often requesting louder, more precise, and slower speech from others.
Can hearing loss be cured?
The causes and extent of hearing issues determine the course of treatment. Even though there is no cure for the ageing hearing impairment, hearing earpieces and other auditory equipment can help treat the condition and enhance the quality of life.
Am I deaf in one ear?
Some signs of hearing loss in one ear:
- A ringing sensation in just a single ear
- Requesting verbal repetition from others.
- Using one ear more during phone calls or discussions than the other.
- Unable to pinpoint the source of the sounds.
- Increasing the television’s volume.
Is hearing loss a disability?
According to India’s RPWD Act 2016, deafness is considered a handicap. People with a baseline hearing impairment can receive assistance under different government initiatives. For a deafness handicap certification, you must travel to a government hospital.
Read more:
Learn about the Causes And Prevention Of Hearing Loss In Elders
Ways for Seniors to Live Happily & Functionally with Hearing Loss