Fungal Skin Infection: Symptoms, Causes, Type, Treatments
Fungi are everywhere, just like other tiny organisms in nature. They’re important for breaking down dead plants and animals. But watch out, some fungi can be bad for us, especially for older people. If you’re not careful, your skin can get infected by certain fungal skin infection, and this is a big worry for seniors. Hands, feet, and other parts can get fungal infections if not caught early. As we get older, these infections can happen more easily, especially if we don’t take good care of our skin every day.
Here’s a list of common fungal skin infection that seniors should know about
1. Common Fungal Skin Infections
• Cutaneous Candidiasis – This is a common skin infection in older people, especially those with diabetes. It happens when there is too much growth of the Candida fungus, usually found in skin folds. Symptoms include a red, itchy rash in these areas. It’s not usually spread from person to person, but seniors with weak immune systems might get it through direct contact.
• Ringworm – This infection looks like a ring-shaped, scaly rash. It’s called tinea manuum when it’s on the hands and tinea pedis (or Athlete’s foot) when it’s on the feet. It can spread easily. If an elderly person touches something or someone with the fungus, they might get infected. Animals like dogs and cats can also carry this fungus.
• Onychomycosis – This is a nail infection, mostly seen in older adults. It’s often caused by a type of fungus called dermatophytes. The main signs are nails that change color, get thicker, and may start to lift away from the nail bed.
2. Causes of Fungal Skin Infections
Maintaining good hygiene is crucial in preventing fungal infections. Elderly people should bathe regularly to reduce the risk. For those who are unable to care for themselves, home care nursing services can be invaluable. These professionals help maintain daily hygiene, reducing the likelihood of infections.
Other factors like diabetes, insulin resistance, and weakened immune systems can make seniors more susceptible to these conditions. Additionally, certain medications like immunosuppressants and steroids can increase the risk of developing fungal infections. Sometimes, a genetic predisposition or family history can also play a role. It’s important for anyone showing signs of a fungal infection to consult with a dermatologist, who can provide specialized care and treatment.
3. Home Remedies and Treatment
There are several home remedies for fighting fungal skin infections in our country found in ancient scriptures. Most of these solutions have been passed on in families for generations:
- Garlic: You can create a healing paste by blending garlic cloves with olive or coconut oil. When you apply this mixture to the infected area, it actively works to diminish symptoms such as rashes and redness. Garlic’s natural properties are believed to be effective in reducing skin irritation and promoting healing.
- Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV): Use ACV for its remarkable antibacterial and antifungal abilities. By soaking a cotton pad in ACV and applying it to the infected skin, you actively combat the infection. This method is not only simple but also harnesses the natural potency of ACV to treat skin infections effectively.
- Aloe Vera: Apply the gel extracted from the aloe vera plant directly onto your skin. Aloe vera is renowned for its calming effect and helps soothe itching and irritation. For optimal results, it’s advisable to use aloe vera gel regularly, as its continuous application enhances its soothing and healing effects.
- Turmeric: Prepare a healing application by mixing turmeric with water, rose water, or coconut oil. Turmeric, a common ingredient in many homes, possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to the affected area, this mixture works actively to accelerate the healing process and reduce inflammation.
In addition to these natural remedies, seeking professional medical advice from an experienced dermatologist is highly recommended for fungal skin infection. It’s important to share the medical history of elderly patients with the specialist. This information allows the dermatologist to prescribe the most suitable medications and topical creams tailored to the patient’s specific needs. Allopathic or homeopathic treatments, when chosen appropriately, can complement these home remedies and provide a more comprehensive approach to treating skin infections
At Emoha, our focus is not making life better for our elders, be it healthcare assistance, routine work or community engagement. For us, it is always #EldersFirst