Convenience > Did you know that your eyes are the window to your health?
12th Apr 2022

Did you know that your eyes are the window to your health?

It is often said that eyes are the window to your soul, but if you look closely, they can also tell multitudes about your health. A lot can be learned from studying the changes in your eyes, but only if they are observed carefully. Some symptoms may even indicate that you require immediate medical attention. The sooner you identify them, the sooner you will be able to prevent a serious disease from developing. Read further and find out what changes in eye color and vision could signify severe underlying conditions. 


Blurred vision can be a generic issue due to less lubrication or perhaps an eyelash in your waterline, but it can also be indicative of type 2 diabetes. Very high blood sugar puts pressure on the nerves, because of this, bloodstains appear in the eyes. These blood spots mean that your blood sugar level is at an alarming level and you need to pay attention to it immediately. If this level of blood sugar is not taken care of in time, then it may cause permanent loss of eyesight. 


Symptoms of breast cancer can also manifest in your eyes. When cancer cells spread to different areas of the body, it starts affecting the eyes. The uvea (the lining between the eyes) indicates that cancer cells have reached your eye. If you experience problems like blurred vision, eye pain, or flashes, then definitely contact your doctor. 

High cholesterol 

Increased cholesterol in the blood gradually starts accumulating in the eyes.  The most obvious sign of this is that there is a white or blue color around the pupil of your eye. Pay close attention to this as high levels of cholesterol can lead to cardiovascular health issues.

Impaired Retina 

Small spot-like marks around the retina are called eye floaters. They are very common and easy to feel but an increased number of these floaters indicates a retinal tear i.e. its separation. This sign should not be ignored at all because eventually it can cause serious damage to your eyes. 


White patches on the cornea can indicate a corneal infection. It’s particularly common in people using contact lenses instead of spectacles. Bacteria easily enter the lens, and the infection progresses as a result. Scarring of the cornea and discomfort can occur as a result of this. 


If the white part of the eyes turns yellow, then it can imply you have jaundice. Jaundice is a condition caused by excessive amounts of bilirubin (yellow substance produced by the disintegration of red blood cells) in the blood. In such a situation, urine and skin also start turning yellow. 

Stay observant, stay vigilant! Know in time, so you can take timely precautions.  

Please Note – It is never advised to self-diagnose. If you notice such a symptom and suspect a greater underlying cause, visit a doctor immediately. Do not self medicate without proper consultation. 

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