Peanut Butter For Elders: A Healthy Choice!
Peanut butter is known for its most nutty, rich taste. Although it is butter, the process of making it is entirely different from the process of making ordinary butter. Peanut butter made from peanuts is rich in unique medicinal properties, protecting the body from many health problems. Thus peanut butter for elders is excellent.
From fantastic health benefits to significant nutritional value, in this blog, we will tell everything about peanut butter that elders need to know! Before we begin with peanut butter benefits, let us inform you about what it is precisely and how it is made.
Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is unprocessed food made from peanuts. It is called a super-food because it contains a lot of protein, healthy fat, and fibre.
The peanuts used in it are ground, roasted, and are made by various methods in the form of a paste. It contains sugar, vegetable oil, and trans-fat. The nutrients present in it can relieve many health-related problems. Its use can also help in the prevention of problems like cancer and diabetes in seniors.
Also, there is no fixed time to consume peanut butter, but it is advisable to have it at breakfast on toast or with roti etc. to experience its benefits more effectively. As far as the quantity is concerned, elders should ensure one teaspoon of peanut butter twice a day, it would suffice their daily requirement.
Peanut Butter: A Source of Healthy Fat
One teaspoon of peanut butter has about 100 calories but is in the form of monounsaturated fat. It also contains saturated fat which can increase the cholesterol level. Mono-unsaturated fats found in peanuts are extremely beneficial for the human body, helping elders fight the risk of heart disease, fat loss, and obesity.
Let us now tell you about the nutritional value of peanut butter in detail.
The Nutritional Value of Peanut Butter
Peanut butter has multiple healthy nutrients. It contains high amounts of protein and fibre. Also, it contains healthy fat (monounsaturated fat), and nutrients such as Resveratrol and Phytosterols. Interestingly, this butter has some amazing nutrients that prevent heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and cancer. Scientific research says that peanut butter can help overcome malnutrition. Therefore, peanut butter can be called a power pack of health for elders.
Let’s have a glance at the nutritional value of Peanut Butter per 100 grams.
● Water: 1.23g
● Energy: 598kcal
● Protein: 22.21g
● Total Lipid: (fat) 51.36g
● Carbohydrate: 22.31g
● Fibre, Total Dietary: 5.0g
● Sugar: 10.49g
Minerals found in Peanut Butter.
● Calcium: 49mg
● Iron: 1.74mg
● Magnesium: 168mg
● Phosphorus: 335mg
● Potassium: 558mg
● Sodium: 17mg
● Zinc: 2.51mg
Vitamins found in Peanut Butter
● Vitamin C total ascorbic acid 0.0mg
● Thiamine: 0.150mg
● Riboflavin: 0.192mg
● Niacin: 13.112mg
● Vitamin B6: 0.441mg
● Folate DFE: 87μg
● Vitamin: B-12 0.00μg
● Vitamin A: RAE 0μg
● Vitamin A: IU 0IU
● Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol): 9.10mg
● Vitamin D (D 2+ D3): 0.0μg
● Vitamin D: 0IU
● Vitamin K, (Filocinone): 0.3μg
Lipid in Peanut Butter
● Fatty acid, total saturated 10.325g
● Fatty acid, total monounsaturated 25.941g
● Fatty acid, total polyunsaturated 12.535g
● Fatty acid, total trans 0.075g
● Cholesterol 0mg
So now, after knowing the nutritional value of peanut butter, let us now move to the most exciting part- The Benefits of Peanut Butter.
Benefits of Peanut Butter for Elders
● Peanut Butter for Diabetes
Peanut butter helps elders fight diabetes. According to healthcare experts, the condition of the elderly can be effectively improved by eating peanut butter regularly. Consumption of peanut butter may significantly reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. So elders who have diabetes or who want to avoid the risk of diabetes should include peanut butter in their diet. The American Diabetes Association has rated peanut butter as a diabetes super-food, as it contains magnesium, fibre, and heart-healthy oils.
● Peanut Butter for Alzhiemer
Alzheimer’s disease is a brain-related disorder. In this disease, the memory of the elders is affected. Peanut butter benefits have been seen in preventing this disease. Peanuts have high amounts of niacin and are a good source of vitamin-E. In research, both these elements effectively prevent Alzheimer’s disease and decline of the functioning of the brain with age. It can also be beneficial for other nervous system disorders. Therefore, it can be said that the benefits of eating peanut butter can relieve problems associated with the brain.
● Peanut Butter for Heart Disease
Healthy fats in peanuts can be useful for heart health. At the same time, several scientific studies confirm that peanut butter consumption in balanced quantities can provide an adequate supply of phytosterols, which can reduce cardiovascular diseases. This is why peanut butter is said to be beneficial for elders who are heart patients. Besides, hypertension can pose a risk of heart disease and stroke. Peanut butter contains monounsaturated fatty acids, plant proteins, magnesium, potassium, fibre arginine, and many bioactive elements, which helps in controlling blood pressure and keeping the heart-healthy. Also, peanuts contain an antioxidant called Resveratrol, which makes peanut butter mitigate the risk of cardiovascular diseases. On this basis, it can be said that the benefits of peanut butter can protect the heart.
● Peanut Butter for Depression
Peanut butter or peanut intake in any form may improve Depression to some extent. Readers are well aware that groundnut contains resveratrol. Research says that this potent element may work as an antidepressant. Elders who consume Resveratrol can notice that it affects the brain regions and neural pathways. Therefore, this polyphenol, called resveratrol, may be beneficial in many cases of depression.
● Peanut Butter for Bones & Arthritis
Science explains the significant role of magnesium in keeping bones and the muscles attached to them healthy. Research says that magnesium can be useful in keeping bones and muscles healthy. Peanuts have a fair amount of magnesium, so peanut butter can be considered suitable for bone health.
● Peanuts for Reducing Cholesterol
Peanuts and its products like butter and oil can benefit heart health compared to low-fat diets. According to research, it contains high monounsaturated fat, which can reduce total body cholesterol by 11 per cent and bad cholesterol (LDL) by 14 per cent. Research has also found that peanut butter can maintain good cholesterol (HDL). These peanut properties may help keep cholesterol balance. Therefore, the benefits of eating peanut butter include reducing cholesterol in the elderly. And you don’t have to worry about it because it’s just healthy fat.
● Peanut Butter for Protein
Protein intake, along with other nutrients is extremely necessary to keep the body healthy. Peanut butter is one of the highest sources of protein. Therefore, peanut butter can be consumed to meet protein deficiency in older-adults. About 25.80 grams of protein is found in 100 grams of peanuts, which can be sufficient to replenish protein.
● Peanut Butter for Cancer
The benefits of peanut butter can also be useful in preventing cancer, as it has anti-cancer properties. Peanut is a rich source of resveratrol, a nutrient which is believed to be an effective polyphenol antioxidant. This property of peanuts can give beneficial results in fighting cancer.
● Peanut Butter for Eyes
Peanut butter can also be used to keep the elder’s eyes healthy. Indeed, vitamin E is considered an essential nutrient for the vision, serving macular degeneration problems (eye disease). Peanut butter may be an effective alternative to supplementing vitamin E for the eyes.
● Peanut Butter for Better Digestion
Peanut butter can play an essential role in digesting food. Peanut butter is considered a good source of fibre, which can help smooth digestion in elders.
● Peanut Butter for Gallbladder
The benefits of peanut butter can also be seen in disease related to the gallbladder. Peanuts have the property of protecting aging elders from gallbladder disease. A scientific report states that if peanut or peanut butter is consumed five times a week, it may reduce gallbladder disease risk. Peanut butter is rich in monounsaturated fat. It is a healthy fat, which is necessary for our body. According to research, people who take diets containing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats were found to have an 18% lower risk of gallstones than those consuming these fats.
● Peanut Butter for Energy
For all the human body organs to continue to function efficiently, it is necessary that the body has adequate energy. Peanut butter can be counted as a significant source of energy. Plenty of power is found in peanut butter, and thus elders can consume it to replenish energy.
After knowing the benefits of peanut butter, let’s now tell you some practical ways to consume peanut butter.
Effective Ways To Consume Peanut Butter
● Elders can also eat a teaspoon of peanut butter on toast.
● One can also use peanut butter while making muffins.
● Seniors can also add a small spoon of peanut butter to their soup.
● Peanut butter can also be used to make marmalade.
Best Peanut Butter Recipe
Elders can use peanut butter in various ways! Here’s a quick recipe to use peanut butter. There are several recipes, but we are sharing one that elders can make quickly and can store for next few days!
Peanut Butter Cookies for Elderly
● ⅔ small cup of peanut butter
● ⅔ small cup of sugar (do not use if the doctor has forbidden it)
● One egg
● One teaspoon vanilla extract
● Heat the oven temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
● Now take a pot and mix peanut butter, sugar, egg and vanilla extract together in it.
Pour it on a baking sheet with the help of a spoon.
● Shape cookies using a spoon to pour the peanut mixture onto the sheet.
● Now keep it in the oven for about 15 minutes.
● Make sure that it does not burn during cooking.
● Serve it as a snack.
Side Effects of Peanut Butter for Elders
Despite its many benefits, peanut butter has some disadvantages too if used in large quantities. The side effects of peanut butter are described below.
● Excessive intake of peanut butter can be the leading cause of gastrointestinal problems among elders.
● Elders who are ALLERGIC to peanuts may be allergic to peanut butter intake.
● Excessive intake of peanut butter can also cause weight gain.
● Peanut butter is high in folate; thus, excess intake of peanut butter can increase the amount of folate in the body, and increased folate levels can cause colon cancer.
Although peanut butter is suitable for various health issues, sometimes it can also give you some negative results. It is very high in calories; this can increase your daily calorie intake.
Simultaneously, it is also a source of aflatoxin which can also have adverse effects on some people. You must consult your doctor first.
Final Words
After knowing the benefits of eating peanut butter and peanut butter disadvantages, elders can now eat it without any doubt. Keep in mind while having it that it will benefit only when it is consumed in limited quantities. If anyone is struggling with any health problem, then first ask the doctor before including it in your diet. We hope that all the information given in this article will guide the elders.
Although one can easily care for elders by giving them nutritious food like peanut butter and so on, the present-day lifestyle makes it harder for anyone to look after the elder! In such cases, one can also opt for professional care service, like us, at Emoha. With a team of trained caregivers we ensure 24×7 care for older-adults. From providing nutritious diets to elderly, to taking care of their physical and mental health, we do it all for you. Are you also looking for professional care services? Connect with us at Emoha at 1800-203-5135 or eldersfirst@emoha.com.