Nutrition > Amazing Health Benefits of Watermelon for Elders
27th Nov 2020

Amazing Health Benefits of Watermelon for Elders

Eating watermelon is not only tasty but also extremely beneficial for health, including elders’ health. Watermelon is a common fruit that is majorly loved by everyone; people also love to consume watermelon in the form of juice. Watermelon is considered as an energy-boosting fruit, especially in summers, as it hydrates the body. But do you know along with its hydrating properties and immunity-boosting nature, watermelon also provides an adequate amount of nutrients to humans, notably amounting to elder care? After reading this blog, you’ll realize that it is a magical fruit for elders. It has some fantastic benefits that you didn’t even think of.

Melon fruits are rich in nutrients, but cold nature. Due to its medicinal properties, the benefits of watermelon keeps the heart healthy, controlling blood pressure, skin, and removing hair problems. In this article, you will get information about the advantages and disadvantages of watermelon juice. Watermelon, with its high amount of water, contains almost all types of nutrients and minerals that are needed for a healthy body. You can effortlessly get these nutritious ingredients through a watermelon.

Nutritional Value Of Watermelon

Eating watermelon and drinking watermelon juice can help elders overcome many types of health problems. It is because watermelon has many components which are beneficial for growing the body. Watermelon contains 90% water in addition to it includes a fair amount of Vitamin A, C, and Vitamin B6.

Watermelon also contains high amounts of amino acids, antioxidants and Lipozene, as well as low levels of potassium, sodium, and calories. All these nutrients help increase immunity.

Nutrients present in 100 gm watermelon are as follows –

  • Calories 30
  • Vitamin C 13.50%
  • Fat 0.15 gm
  • Calcium 0.007%
  • Potassium 112 mg
  • Protein 0.6 gm
  • Magnesium 2.50%
  • Vitamin A 19%

Often many health advisors recommend consuming fresh and all kinds of seasonal fruits for better health in elders. Watermelon and its juice are also included in similar foods which provide elders with many health benefits. Watermelon juice helps prevent cancer, reduce inflammation, and aid in weight loss.

Benefits Of Watermelon For Elders Health

1: Helps In Keeping the Kidney Healthy

Due to the inherent property of carrying heavy water and mineral content, watermelon helps keep the kidney healthy. The potassium present in watermelon removes the toxic element from the body and reduces the percentage of uric acid present in the blood.

2: Helpful in reducing weight

It has water and mineral content. The fat-free, very low sodium and low-calorie nature of watermelon make it a healthy snack.

3: Cancer prevention

With numerous antioxidants and flavonoids, watermelon consumption help in protecting against certain types of cancers, such as colon, breast, lung, pancreas, etc.

4: Beneficial for eyesight

Watermelon is a good source of beta-carotene. Being an amazing source of Vitamin C, it keeps you away from diseases.

5: Reduction in muscle soreness

Watermelon helps to reduce muscle soreness. Therefore, it is much more prevalent among athletes.

6: Asthma prevention

Elders having asthma require vitamin C and watermelon is very high in vitamin C.

7: Prevent Constipation

Watermelon is a good source of fiber that helps prevent constipation and helps maintain a healthy digestive system.

Benefits of Watermelon for Elder’s Skin

Watermelon contains plenty of water, which makes it the best fruit for the skin of growing elders. It also contains antioxidants, and thereby watermelon helps in preventing certain types of cancers, diabetes, and heart diseases. By containing around 92% and 6% of water and sugar respectively, it holds quite a greater portion of vitamins A, C, and B6. Direct application of watermelon pulp and rubbing it gently on the affected area of the “blackheads” is beneficial for elders. After one minute, one can clean the face with lukewarm water. All the skin problems, especially the blackheads in elders, will be swept, and thereby elders can get a glowing skin. Watermelon contains a lot of antioxidants, which do not allow wrinkles on the skin.

Let us also comprehend the beauty benefits of watermelon. This cold fruit keeps elderly skin clean and youthful. Apart from this, elders can massage their skin by mixing their juice and mint leaves, and storing it as ice cubes. Watermelon contains a lot of antioxidants, which protect the elders skin from wrinkles.

Health Benefits of Watermelon Seeds for Elders

The greatest number of people throw watermelon seeds while consuming it, but it will be startling to know that seeds are likewise advantageous for the elders. Consuming boiled watermelon seeds provide multiple benefits to the body. The seeds contain many nutrients such as copper, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Here’re the common health benefits of watermelon seeds-

1. Healthy Heart

Watermelon seeds contain a tremendous amount of magnesium which helps protect the heart. Also, it balances blood pressure and fights against many heart problems.

2. Wrinkles

Wrinkles is also prevented in growing elders, by the consumption of Watermelons.

3. Diabetes

Consuming syrup of boiled watermelon seeds on an empty stomach, regular, is highly beneficial for a diabetic patient. It is a natural cure for this disease.

4. Weakness

With growing age, weakness becomes a common problem in the elderly. The watermelon seeds help elders to feel energetic and get rid of chronic deficiencies.

Other benefits of Watermelon for Elders

1: Watermelon For Weight Loss

Let us tell you that watermelon contains less amount of calories and fat. So eating watermelon can increase the metabolic rate in the elderly. Apart from this, watermelon also contains antioxidants that help in weight reduction.

2: Watermelon For Reducing Inflammation

Studies show that watermelon juice contains an active ingredient called triterpenoids. The nature of this component is anti-inflammatory which helps in reducing inflammatory symptoms in growing elders. Also, watermelon juice contains high amounts of beta-carotene, which helps reduce inflammation and pain of arthritis.

3: Watermelon For Detoxification

This fruit is also known to boost kidney function and help in detoxifying the body. Consuming watermelon juice regularly can help reduce the levels of ammonia and uric acid in the body. This can prevent kidney stones and other types of problems.

4: Watermelon For Improved Vision

Watermelon contains a high amount of lycopene. Lycopene is a type of antioxidant that helps in reducing the oxidative stress from the eyes well. Consuming watermelon juice regularly helps prevent spotty degeneration and may help reduce the onset of cataracts. Therefore Elders can use melon juice with nutritious foods, to keep your eyes healthy. Also, to know more about certain vitamins for elders eyesight improvement check here.

5: Watermelon For Prevention of Cancer

Studies show that watermelon has anti-cancer properties. Watermelon contains lycopene which is an essential nutrient element. This helps protect from DNA damage. Apart from this, it is also known that melon has antiproliferative properties along with lycopene. Due to this property, using watermelon can help prevent the spread of cancer.

6: Watermelon For Liver Protection

Watermelon juice helps prevent liver damage. The nutritional element present in watermelon juice prevents damage to the liver due to the presence of carbon tetrachloride. Carbon tetrachloride is a toxic component found in polluted air and industrial products. This component damages the kidneys, liver and brain.

7: Watermelon Keeps The Body Hydrated

We all know that watermelon contains the most water, the majority of watermelon juice (about 90%) is water. Also, it includes a sufficient amount of nutrients and minerals. Due to which consuming watermelon juice helps to keep your body hydrated. This helps in keeping your entire system hydrated as well as restoring the electrolytes. Components such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium present in the juice of the extract contribute effectively to preventing dehydration.

8: Watermelon For Healthy Heart

Watermelon juice can reduce cardiovascular problems. Consuming this soft drink assuredly affects the health of the heart. Potassium present in their helps in fighting against heart diseases. Additionally, the amino acids present in it help in blood circulation. Watermelon juice is also beneficial for keeping the heart-healthy because it contains beta-carotene and lycopene. These components are effective in preventing cardiac issues.

9: Watermelon as Energy Booster

Feeling energetic is the ultimate requirement in the elder stages of life. Let us tell you that watermelon juice acts like an energy drink by providing instant energy. It contains a high amount of Vitamin C, so it increases your strength. Besides, melon juice contains vitamin B6 and magnesium dopamine which fuels energy cells. The combination of beta carotene and vitamin C acts as an energy booster. If you are experiencing weakness, then a glass of watermelon juice can provide quick energy by switching your weakness.

9: Watermelon for High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the most essential and necessary function of our body. Watermelon juice contains components such as amino acids, magnesium, and potassium that help improve blood vessels. Aforementioned is why most doctors recommend blood pressure patients to eat watermelon or drink it in juice form.

10: Watermelon As An Immunity Booster

Let us tell you that watermelon juice is one of the high-grade sources of vitamin C. High levels of vitamin C improves the immune system. Apart from this, the other antioxidants present in it also protect the cells from the effect of free radicals. Being rich in medicinal properties, consuming watermelon juice helps in healing wounds. It increases the production of collagen in the body due to which wounds also heal quickly. For other Immunity boosting foods and sources check here.

11: Watermelon For Skin

Studies show that drinking watermelon juice is beneficial not only for health but also for the skin. Watermelon juice contains lycopene and some carotenoids that have anti-ageing properties. Consuming this juice regularly helps protect you from oxidative stress, reduce wrinkles, skin scars and other signs of ageing. Thus it is a must-have fruit for the growing adults.

12: Watermelon For Hydrated Skin

Elders usually experience dry skin; in this scenario, watermelon can help. Watermelon has sufficient amounts of water which keeps the skin bright and healthy while keeping the skin hydrated even in the senior age. Elders can use a mixture of watermelon juice and honey to keep their skin moisturized. Using this mixture is also useful in preventing wrinkles and keeping the skin healthy.

13: Watermelon Has Anti-Ageing Properties

Let us tell you that melon juice has anti-ageing properties. Watermelon juice can thus be an excellent option to control wrinkles, fine lines, and stains that occur in the skin with ageing. The antioxidants present in watermelons are also effective in shielding the skin cells from the damage of free radicals.

14: Watermelon For Hair Health

Watermelon juice rich in nutrients is considered beneficial for skin as well as hair. The presence of citrulline and water in watermelon juice helps to increase hair growth. Consuming this juice regularly increases the level of an amino acid called arginine in the body. It helps in increasing blood flow and accelerating hair growth in the scalp.

The Right Time To Eat Watermelon

By knowing the benefits of watermelon juice mentioned above, we can say that watermelon is very beneficial for elderly health. However, what is the right time to drink watermelon juice can not be determined. Elders can eat watermelon at any time of the day, but if they’re consuming it as juice, they should prefer having it in the morning. The right time to eat watermelon is when the body is lacking in water and is experiencing some weakness. Apart from this, consuming it as per doctors direction is imperative.

The Possible Side Effects Of Watermelon

Along with having excellent health benefits for the elderly, watermelon can have some disadvantages too. However, these potential side effects are caused by having watermelon or its juice in excess of the requirement. Apart from this, physical health and nature also have particular importance.

Consuming watermelon juice in large amounts can increase cardiovascular problems. It is because watermelon juice has a high amount of potassium. Due to this, it can cause problems like an irregular heartbeat. It can also cause rapid blood pressure decline.

Some elders are allergic to watermelon, although such cases are rare. Allergies to watermelon are usually in the form of gastrointestinal problems, nausea, or vomiting. Intake in excess can cause intestinal disturbances. Consuming watermelon juice in excess can be harmful to people with diabetes. Watermelon juice can also cause swelling, anaphylaxis, and rashes on the face if consumed in excess amounts.

Considering the possible side effects of watermelon, people with asthma or allergy should not eat watermelon. Also, the elderly should avoid eating watermelon with rice or curd. It is also advisable to prevent watermelon in the morning as eating it on an empty stomach can cause vomiting or other stomach problems. Lastly, elders should also avoid eating watermelon at night as it increases phlegm, causing discomfort in sleep.

Final words

So, we can finely conclude that watermelon is remarkably helpful for the elders. But everything should be done with doctors or nutritionist’s direction. Apart from this, get to know about other health beneficial points concerning elders health. Also, if you think to give all these useful utilities to your elders, but you feel you can’t efficiently provide it from your side, then consider choosing us.

We, at Emoha, make sure elders get everything done at ease, starting from having optimal healthcare facilities and regulation, till having their daily works done. We are a one-stop solution for every problem of elders. Get in touch with us now at or place a call at 1800-123-44555.