Types of Diagnostic Tests Ordered During Home Doctor Consultations
An increasing number of people today prefer home doctor consultations over visiting clinics, thanks to the convenience and personalized care it provides. During a home consultation, the doctor takes your detailed medical history, asks about medications and symptoms, checks vital signs, and performs a physical exam. If any health concerns are suspected, the doctor may recommend further diagnostic testing for an accurate diagnosis. This includes various types of diagnostic tests that can be performed comfortably at home, avoiding unnecessary visits to the hospital or lab.
Here are some common types of diagnostic tests and medical tests ordered during home doctor visits
Blood Tests
Blood tests are frequently ordered during home consultations as blood contains many biomarkers indicating health status. Some standard blood tests done are:
- Complete Blood Count (CBC) – This checks the levels of the different cells in blood – red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. It measures hemoglobin, hematocrit and RBC indices. A CBC provides valuable information about the presence of anemia, potential bleeding disorders, infections and blood cancers like leukemia or lymphoma.
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel – This blood chemistry panel measures electrolyte levels like sodium, potassium and chloride along with kidney function markers like creatinine and BUN. It also checks blood sugar, liver enzymes, proteins and calcium levels. This screens for diabetes, electrolyte imbalances, kidney disorders and liver diseases.
- Lipid Profile – This measures total cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides in the blood. It determines the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and strokes. Patients are advised to fast 9-12 hours before this test.
- Thyroid Function Tests – TSH, T3 and T4 levels are checked to diagnose hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism which cause metabolism problems.
- C-Reactive Protein (CRP) – CRP is a protein made by the liver that increases when there is inflammation somewhere in the body. High CRP indicates higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) – This test measures PSA levels in blood to screen for prostate cancer risk in men. However, elevated PSA can also be due to prostate enlargement or inflammation.
The phlebotomist will come home, collect the blood sample and send it to the diagnostic lab for analysis. The home doctor will explain what each test checks for and go over the results with you.
Cardiac Testing
Heart disease is a leading cause of death worldwide. Home doctor consultations enable important cardiac tests to be performed at home to detect heart problems early. Some cardiac diagnostic tests done at home include:
- Electrocardiogram (ECG) – EKG or ECG records the electrical activity of the heart over time. Electrodes are placed on the chest to obtain a tracing of the heartbeat. It detects abnormal rhythms like atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, heart blocks etc. It also helps diagnose prior heart attacks.
- Echocardiogram – This ultrasound test images the structure of the heart and its valves, chamber sizes, pumping capacity and blood flow. It identifies damaged heart valves, cardiomyopathy, clots, aneurysms and weakened pumping.
- Holter Monitor – This portable electrocardiography device is worn by the patient for 24-48 hours during normal activity. It records a continuous EKG tracing, monitoring heart rhythm while awake, resting, exercising. It is used to detect intermittent arrhythmias.
- Stress Test – Also called a treadmill test or exercise stress test. The patient walks on a treadmill with increasing speed and incline while EKG and blood pressure are monitored. It evaluates how the cardiovascular system responds to exertion.
The cardiologist explains the preparation needed for each test. A trained technician will then come home to correctly perform the test using portable equipment.
Pulmonary Function Tests
Simple pulmonary function tests can be done at home to measure lung capacity and airflow. These tests include:
- Spirometry – This measures lung volume by seeing how much air can be inhaled and exhaled forcefully. It assesses obstructive vs restrictive lung disease and screens for asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis etc.
- Peak Flow Meter – This portable handheld device measures peak expiratory flow rate, which is the maximum speed of exhaled air. It is used to monitor asthma symptoms and lung function.
- Pulse Oximetry – This non-invasive test measures oxygen saturation of arterial blood. A finger probe is used which emits red and infrared light through the fingertip to determine oxygen levels. Low oxygen saturation can occur in pneumonia, asthma, COPD.
The home doctor will demonstrate correct technique and have you perform the tests multiple times to get accurate readings. Spirometry results help diagnose respiratory conditions early.
Radiology Scans
Various radiological scans help visualize inside the body and are often needed for an accurate diagnosis. While CT scans, MRI scans and PET scans require large equipment only available at hospitals and radiology centers, basic x-rays and ultrasound can be performed at home.
- X-Rays – Short wavelength electromagnetic radiation waves pass through structures to produce photographic images. X-rays provide excellent visualization of bones and tumors. They help detect pneumonia, fractures, arthritis and swallowing difficulties.
- Ultrasound – High frequency sound waves are used to produce images of internal organs based on echo patterns. It is useful to examine the abdomen, heart, arteries, joints, fetus in pregnant women.
- CT Scan – CT combines multiple x-ray images taken around the body to give cross-sectional slice views of bones, blood vessels and organs. It provides more detail than a regular x-ray.
- MRI Scan – Strong magnetic fields and radiofrequency pulses generate detailed 3D images of soft tissues like brain, spinal cord, muscles, ligaments based on water content and blood flow.
- PET Scan – Radioactive tracer is injected into the body and the gamma rays emitted are detected to visualize metabolic activity of tissues. It is used to map organ function and detect cancer.
Portable x-ray machines and ultrasound units with trained technicians can come home when your doctor orders these scans. Proper radiation shielding precautions are taken.
Sleep Study
Sleep studies allow doctors to diagnose potential sleep disorders like sleep apnea based on biometric data captured during sleep. A home sleep test includes:
- Pulse oximeter – Measures oxygen saturation levels throughout the night. Drops in oxygen levels may occur in sleep apnea.
- Nasal air pressure sensor – Detects changes in airflow patterns and breathing irregularities.
- Respiratory belt – Monitors chest and abdomen movements during sleep cycles.
- Body position sensor – Tracks sleep position and restlessness.
- Snore microphone – Records snoring intensity. Identifies obstructions in airway.
- Actigraph – Resembles a watch and monitors sleep-wake cycles through movement.
Data collected overnight is analyzed to determine extent of snoring, breathing interruptions, oxygen dips etc. This helps diagnose sleep apnea, insomnia, narcolepsy, restless leg syndrome etc.
Also Read: Top 10 Benefits of Online Doctor Consultation in Kolkata for Elderly
Colon Cancer Screening
Colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers. Screening for colon cancer can be done from home itself using a Cologuard test. Patients receive a test kit which they use to collect a stool sample and mail it back for analysis. It tests for abnormal DNA markers and blood in the stool which can identify cancer or precancerous polyps in the colon.
The specific medical tests required will depend on the patient’s health issues, risk factors, family history and the doctor’s initial evaluation. All testing is tailored for each patient. With home doctor consultations, you can get the necessary diagnostic tests performed in the comfort of home without undergoing the stress of traveling outside while ill.
In conclusion, home doctor consultations offer a comprehensive and convenient solution for modern healthcare needs, especially for those who find it challenging to visit clinics or hospitals. The wide range of types of diagnostic tests available during these home visits, from blood tests to cardiac assessments, pulmonary function tests, radiology scans, sleep studies, and even colon cancer screening, ensures that patients receive thorough medical care right in the comfort of their own homes.
This approach, integrating various types of diagnostic tests, not only enhances the accessibility of quality healthcare but also personalizes the experience, allowing for better management of health conditions.
At Emoha Elder Care, we provide trusted home doctor visits in Kolkata and take care of arranging for any diagnostic testing or imaging needed. Our experienced doctors explain the procedures involved in each diagnostic exam and make sure you get your reports on time. Now you can avoid commuting for health-related needs and get quality care at home.