10 Causes of Lower Back Pain in Elderly People
Lower back pain in the elderly is a common issue. It can be caused by various factors like excess weight, a lack of physical activity, or poor eating habits. One significant reason for this pain is the natural aging process.
As people age, their intervertebral discs lose water content, making them less flexible and leading to discomfort. This aging process often contributes to spinal problems such as lumbar spinal stenosis, spinal infections, tumors, and osteoporotic vertebral fractures.
Identifying the root cause of these problems can help individuals take preventive measures and avoid worsening their condition.
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Getting back to the topic of this blog, let’s explore some of the main causes of lower back pain in older adults:
1. Muscle Strain and Ligament Sprain
Sprains and strains are two of the most common reasons for lower back pain. Sudden twisting movements can cause it. Strains occur when a muscle is over-stretched. On the other hand, a sprain can occur when over-stretching leads to a ligament tear. Since the ligament connects bone to bone or bone to cartilage, it can take longer to heal. Some of the major causes that may lead to it are:
• Lifting heavy objects
• Rapid, jerky movements that can stress your back muscles
• Poor posture
Thus, it is advised that an elderly person should not perform vigorous physical activities. They should seek help from a physician or a caregiver for the elderly in case they experience severe back pain.
2. Degenerative Disc Disease
Despite its name, this is not a disease. It is just a natural occurrence that comes with aging. As mentioned earlier, the intervertebral discs in one’s spine have enough water content in the initial years but over time these discs lose hydration and wear down. Thus, the spine is unable to resist forces that may lead to tears and thus causes pain in the lower backbone. These rubbery discs between the vertebrae usually allow an individual to flex or bend and act as shock absorbers. This is the reason why older people find it difficult to perform such tasks.
3. Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis occurs when the space around the spinal cord narrows down. This puts pressure on the cord and spinal nerves which causes pain, numbness, or cramping. Ageing is one of the biggest risk factors responsible for developing spinal stenosis. This mostly causes lower back and neck pain in older adults. The two major types of spinal stenosis are:
• Cervical stenosis – a condition that occurs when the part of the spine in the neck narrows down.
• Lumbar stenosis – a condition that occurs when the part of the spine in the lower back narrows down. Lumbar stenosis is the most common form of spinal stenosis.
Leading an active lifestyle, eating healthy, and maintaining a good posture can help in preventing spinal stenosis.
4. Sciatica
Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve that branches from the lower back through the hips and down each leg. It typically results in pain in the sides of the lower back. However, one may only experience lower back pain on one side of the body. One might also experience significant leg weakness or bowel or bladder changes. Other than this, some people may also experience numbness, tingling sensation, or weakness in the affected leg or foot. Consulting a physician or doctor can help ease these symptoms.
5. Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a condition the refers to the sideways curvature of the spine. This usually occurs during the growth spurt in adolescents. However, it can also be caused by conditions like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy. While the majority of cases are mild, some spine deformities may get more severe and complex over time. Severe scoliosis can be disabling and can even reduce the amount of space within the chest. This can make it quite difficult for people suffering from respiratory diseases. Thus, appointing home help for the elderly becomes extremely important in this situation.
6. Facet Joint Pain
Facet joint pain typically causes localized back pain and pain in the thigh area as well. Different types of motions, such as walking or climbing stairs, can aggravate the pain, although it might be mild. In some cases, there may be no symptoms. However, certain movements, like trunk extension and ipsilateral lateral flexion, can trigger symptoms. Additionally, lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis, a condition associated with facet hypertrophy, typically affects older women and is one of the most common reasons for back pain. While facet joint pain cannot be reversed, careful management and lifestyle changes can help ease symptoms and enable individuals to lead more comfortable lives.
7. Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis can be referred to as the “wear-and-tear” type of arthritis. It is one of the causes of neck and severe lower back pain. The joints connecting the vertebrae are lined with cartilage which is a flexible and elastic tissue. This cartilage fades away as you age. Moreover, the discs lose their water content and become narrower. This adds more pressure to the joints which can lead to inflammation and cause pain. However, if one experiences pain majorly in the neck, it could be due to cervical spondylosis. This condition develops because of abnormal wear on the bones and cartilage in the neck.
8. Vertebral Compression Fracture
Vertebral compression fractures (VCF) occur when the vertebral body in the spine collapses. This can lead to severe pain, deformity, and even loss of height. This usually occurs in the lower part thoracic spine and is quite common in older adults. However, the risk of developing it is even higher in postmenopausal and older women. This is one of the major causes of severe back pain in an elderly woman. One should ensure that they do not perform any strenuous activities that may put a strain on the spine.
9. Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that results in inflammation and pain in the joints. This condition causes damage throughout the body. The joint damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis usually affects both sides of the body. Thus, a joint affected in one of the arms or legs indicates that the same joint on the other side will be affected as well. The need for home help for the elderly is extremely important in this condition. Only with the help of an experienced physician, the best ways to slow the progression of the condition can be identified.
10. Herniated disc
The bones of the vertebrae forming the spine are cushioned by discs. These small pillow-like discs have a tough outer layer surrounding the nucleus. Located between each vertebra in the spinal column, these discs act as shock absorbers. Thus, a tear or rupture in the spine can result in the bulging of the disc, known as a herniated disc. This is usually one of the early stages of degeneration. This displacement causes the disc to strain the spinal nerves that result in severe back pain in older people.
Lower back pain in elderly is extremely common. It is the body’s natural mechanism to tell you that you need to change your lifestyle.In addition to eating healthy, maintaining a good posture, and leading an active lifestyle, it is essential to consider seeking professional advice. Furthermore, consulting physiotherapists can provide valuable guidance on proper lifting and walking techniques. These techniques can help strengthen your lower back and abdominal muscles, making your spine more resilient.
Lower back pain in the elderly should not hinder them from staying active and enjoying life.
Read More: Tips for Traveling with Back Pain
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Emoha Elder Care understands that older people need extra care and love. If you or your elderly loved one is struggling with lower back pain or other health issues, discover how Emoha Elder Care can provide personalized in-home healthcare and physiotherapy services. Put #EldersFirst and improve their quality of life today. Book an Appointment Today!