Health > Learn Why Dentists Emphasise Dental Care for Elders
21st Jul 2022
Geriatric Dental Care a Neccessity

Learn Why Dentists Emphasise Dental Care for Elders

Our dental health affects our overall health. With good dental health, we do not need to think before we eat. As our age increases, teeth become weak like other body parts. Periodontal disease is common amongst people above the age of 45. Seniors often suffer from dental problems, including toothaches, weak gum, loss of teeth, etc. But, these problems can be prevented by taking good care of dental health. If you have had oral issues since childhood, you should visit a dental clinic to check your dental health.


Why is Geriatric Dental Care Necessary?

When we start ageing, our dental problems also increase. Some reasons for dental care have been mentioned below:


1. Loss of Teeth

One of the most common dental problems amongst seniors is tooth loss. It is reported that one in five people aged 65 or more loses all their teeth. Loss of teeth also affects health. You cannot take proper nutrition when you lose teeth and can eat only soft and liquid foods. You will be deprived of highly nutritious foods like vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish due to tooth loss, which leads to other health problems.


2. Problem in Gums

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention survey, two among three people aged 65 have gum disease. Gum diseases may be of different types. These include swelling of gum, bleeding, pain in gum, etc. If any such symptom appears in your gum, you should visit the dental care clinic without delay. Gum disease, known as periodontitis, causes problems in the gums. One of the disadvantages of gum disease is that no early sign appears until the condition becomes severe. You can visit a dental clinic to examine your gums to prevent gum diseases.


3. Cavities

Many seniors suffer from cavities due to dry mouth. Harmful bacteria cause cavities by harming the enamel of teeth. Saliva helps to neutralise acids produced by bacteria, limits bacteria growth and protects the teeth. Since seniors may take medications for other health problems, their saliva can get dried up, and bacterial acids harm the teeth. Therefore, cavities are common amongst seniors.


4. Heart Problems

According to the American Academy of Periodontology, the risk of heart disease increase when the inflammation increases due to gum disease. Because the bacteria in the gum may enter the heart through blood and can worsen your heart problem, you should visit a dental care clinic to avoid the negative repercussions.


5. Bacterial Pneumonia

Those who have gum problems may get bacterial Pneumonia. Bacteria may pass to the lungs from the mouth when you breathe. According to the study conducted by the University of Michigan, Yale University, and Japan, the cause of Pneumonia is oral problems.


6. Diabetic

Dental disease may worsen the situation if you have diabetes because glucose in your saliva will help the bacteria grow in the mouth. If you have diabetes, you should always take the necessary steps to keep your sugar level under control and visit a dental clinic to examine your dental problems.


7. Oral Cancer

Always follow the advice suggested by your doctor. Those with habits of chewing tobacco and smoking cigarettes are at a high risk of oral cancer or other dental and gum diseases. If you also have such habits, you should keep examining your oral health and take immediate steps if any symptom of harmful diseases is detected.



Dental care is of utmost importance to avoid any dental diseases. Even if you do not have a dental problem but have crossed 50 years of age, you should examine your teeth and gums to avoid oral illness. If you are an older adult with a dental problem, you should always visit a dental clinic to avoid devastating consequences.

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What diseases cause dental problems?

Diabetes and periodontal diseases like infection in the gum and teeth cause dental problems.


What are the four types of teeth?

The four types of teeth are 

  • Incisors,
  • Canines,
  • Premolars,
  • Molars.


Can tooth decay lead to death?

If the tooth infection is left untreated and spreads over the other parts of the body, it may lead to death.


Which tooth is connected to the heart?

Wisdom teeth connect the heart, liver, and central nervous system.


What is a dental formula?

The dental formula is a method by which the arrangement of the teeth is described.