How to Treat Mild COVID-19 Symptoms at Home?
You may have a lot of questions if you are treating yourself at home for Corona Virus with Mild or Asymptomatic symptoms. So, if you’re exhibiting indications of the illness, what should you do to feel better? Just like plasma therapy for COVID 19 has been a hot topic of discussion, knowing about how to treat covid 19 at home in 2021 has been covered in this blog.
Coronavirus symptoms that you may notice day by day after you’re in contact with the virus:
● Taste or odour loss,
● Congestion in the nose
● Conjunctivitis is a condition that affects the eyes (also known as red eyes)
● Throat discomfort
● Headache
● Pain in the muscles or joints
● There are several forms of skin rash.
● Vomiting or nausea
● Diarrhoea
● Dizziness or chills
● Trouble Breathing
At-Home Treatment
If you want to know how to treat coronavirus at home, the first and foremost thing to remember is, Stay AT HOME! This is true even if you do not have a confirmed case but are experiencing coronavirus symptoms. The latest treatment for coronavirus symptoms can be treated at home by following various precautions
How to treat coronavirus at home, concentrate on:
1. Getting enough rest:
Expect your body to remain active when combating a new infection. Allowing yourself plenty of time to relax will assist supply your body with the energy it requires to complete the task at hand.
2. Getting lots of fluids:
Making ensuring you’re well-hydrated can help reduce a variety of ailments. Fevers are generally accompanied by increased perspiration, so drinking enough water will help restore the excess water you’re losing and keep you from becoming dehydrated. A spoonful of honey in hot water might help soothe your throat if you have a dry cough. A warm, non-caffeinated beverage might assist release mucus if you have congestion. Furthermore, staying hydrated might help your immune system fight off the infection.
3. When required, use over-the-counter medications:
If you have a high fever, you can take acetaminophen or another fever reducer to help bring it down. A pain reliever can assist reduce the discomfort that bodily pains, a sore throat, or a strong cough might cause. Simply follow the dose instructions on the container and avoid taking any drugs that may interact with any prescriptions you’re taking or any medical problems you may have.
Home remedies for Coronavirus
The major symptoms of the new coronavirus include fever, cough, and shortness of breath, which can be treated at home by home patient care services.
To Treat a Fever
1. Take a fever-reducing medication:
You can take a fever reducer if you want to or if your temperature is really high. Acetaminophen is the most commonly prescribed medication. While ibuprofen is also a fever reducer, there is some concern that taking it with the new coronavirus might be dangerous. To be certain, more study is required.
2. Keep yourself hydrated:
Fevers generally result in perspiration, which means your body loses fluids. Drink plenty of water (preferably water or juice and not soda or high sugar beverages that might make you thirstier). Caffeinated drinks should be avoided.
3. Rest:
To combat the infection, your body needs energy. Just relax and let your body take care of the rest.
If You Have a Cough
1. Warm drinks, such as tea or broth, should be consumed:
This will not only keep your neck wet and pleasant, but it will also help you stay hydrated. These will warm up your airways, keep you hydrated, and break up any mucus in your throat and upper airway.
2. Try a spoonful of honey in a cup of hot tea or water:
A small amount of honey might help to relieve a sore throat. On the other hand, Honey should not be tried by youngsters under the age of one year.
3. Take a deep breath and inhale steam:
Use a hot shower, humidifier, vaporizer or another steam-generating device. It will relieve a sore throat and expand your airways, making breathing easier.
4. Gargle with salt water:
While it has not been scientifically shown to assist, many individuals swear that gargling with salt water relieves their sore throat. There’s no harm in giving it a go; it could benefit you. In 8 ounces of warm water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt. Make sure you spit it out and then clean the sink.
For Breathing Difficulties
Take slow, deep breaths. Slowing down might assist you in resuming healthy breathing.
1. Experiment with relaxation or meditation techniques:
These will assist to relax your body and make your breathing more regular. Additionally, shortness of breath might make you feel worried. These relaxing methods will aid in the reduction of anxiety.
2. Inhaler:
Keep track of how your chest feels and the symptoms your inhaler was recommended to treat. Do not use another person’s inhaler; only use the one that your doctor has prescribed for you. After each usage, be sure to clean the mouthpiece.
People of all ages should seek medical attention right away if they have a fever or cough that is accompanied by trouble breathing or shortness of breath, chest discomfort or pressure, or loss of speech or movement. To protect your loved ones from catching the virus, remember to keep a safe distance from other people and follow proper hygiene practices.
At Emoha, senior care services are a key priority and so is community engagement activities that help ensure a sense of inclusive living. For us, it is always #EldersFirst