How COVID-19 Third Wave will be Different From First or Second Wave?
It has been almost 18 months since the World Health Organization (WHO) published the first Disease outbreak news on the new virus COVID-19. As a flagship technical publication for public health and the scientific community along with the global media, it contained a risk management plan on how to tackle the spread and a health advisory on the treatment. All this was based on the first few cases of the COVID-19 infection that emerged from the Wuhan city in China. However, the studies and reports on COVID-19 infection have come a long way since then.
The very first case of COVID-19 infection in India was reported in Kerala on January 27, 2020, and by March 2020 it became a formidable challenge to the Indian healthcare system, occurring in several peaks in waves. While the country is still battling the aftermath of the first and second COVID-19 wave, the third wave is expected to make its appearance soon, as per the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR).
The First, Second, And Third Wave of COVID-19
WHO and other international health organizations often make use of the word ‘wave’ in a pandemic, referring to the rise and fall of cases in the spread of infection. Each wave has different characteristics and impacts different sets of population, depending on age range, the severity of the disease, etc.
In the case of COVID-19, the country braved through the first and second waves, where the elderly people and older adults were considered more vulnerable, however, children were equally susceptible. Now, with the emergence of the third wave of COVID -19 as well as its different variants, including Delta, Delta Plus, and Lambda, children are said to be at the heart of everyone’s fears.
First Wave of COVID-19
The virus started spreading in the country with the first wave of COVID-19. During this time, none was aware of the adverse effects along with the preventive measures and treatment. However, with the help of medical researchers, we could develop a medicine that cured the patients. Owing to the fact that it was a newfound disease for India at that time, a huge count of deaths were reported.
Second Wave of COVID-19
The second wave in a pandemic is often said to be worse than the latter and that is exactly what happened. The devastating second wave of COVID-19 in India showed a significant rise in the number of deaths across the country. However, what saved us is the vaccine, as medical researchers became decently aware of the characteristics of the virus. By this time, they could easily identify the possible signs of the infection that can lead to severe or mild symptoms of COVID-19.
Third Wave of COVID-19
The third wave in a pandemic occurs as a result of the social determinants of health. The underprivileged population who is forced to go out and work in adverse circumstances to earn their daily bread and butter is considered more vulnerable. Further, the wave often worsens economic and healthcare inequities. However, vaccines can be used as a strong weapon during this phase to help people develop herd immunity and prevent any future waves.
When Is The Third Wave of COVID 19 Expected in India?
For those thinking will there be a third wave of COVID-19 in India? The answer is yes, so forth. Given the high levels of the spread of the virus, the chances of reinfection of COVID-19 are high.
While the emergence of the third wave of COVID-19 in India is being considered inevitable, the time frame and its adverse effects are still debatable. Scientific advisories are floating in from the Government officials, explaining the biology of the virus and how it will change from the first and second waves. In the third wave of the pandemic in India, the virus is believed to be facing difficulties to adapt to the body’s immune system due to the vaccine. Thereby, making it less devastating than the previous two waves.
What Is The Health Advisory?
As per the government health officials, the next 100-125 days are very critical, and avoiding the same may lead to a third wave. Further, they have stressed the need to focus on preventive measures and ramp up vaccination, which will reduce the effects of infection and prevent the spread in the first place.
Being amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we at Emoha are taking enough measures to combat the situation and take care of our elders with the COVID care package, because with us it is #EldersFirst.