Homeopathy – Facts & Evolution
Samuel Hahnemann is the man behind the creation and development of homeopathy, fondly called ‘The Father of Homeopathy’. He was a German physician who was unsatisfied with his time’s medical procedures. Prescriptions for dangerous compounds like lead and arsenic were a few among them. He determined that bodily illness might be remedied with very minute doses of the chemical that caused it, in bigger proportions, while examining the adverse effects of such substances. Homeopathy (or homoeopathy), is a pseudo-scientific holistic medicine approach. Homeopaths hold that an agent that causes disease symptoms in healthy subjects also may treat identical symptoms in ill people; this idea is known as “similia similibus curentur”, or “like heals like.” To dive deep into the workings of homeopathy, today, in this article we will be discussing some lesser-known facts about homeopathy that are bound to surprise you.
The Base Foundation of Homeopathy – Similia Similibus Curentur (Like Heals Like)
Although Hippocrates (460-377BC), a Greek physician, first proposed the concept of like curing like, it was Hahnemann who refined it into a systematic therapeutic process. Hahnemann spent many years testing various natural elements on himself and a team of volunteers, including plants, minerals, and metals. He hydrolyzed (break down of compounds using a chemical reaction with water) each element until he hit the optimum dilution where the compound still produced effects to counter serious health ailments. These tests are known as provings (recorded) and are the underpinnings of homeopathy. He founded the Prover’s Union, with his student disciples learning homeopathy straight from the source.
Despite being completely healthy at that time, Hahnemann found that consuming frequent doses of cinchona bark, attributed to ease symptoms of Malaria, (quinine), caused him to experience effects of a malaria attack – fever, heat, and chills. After only a few years of experimentation, Hahnemann discovered that the exceptionally small dosages of drugs he was employing were generating negative impacts. He conducted research by neutralizing and succussion (vigorous shaking) of the compound. The potentiated therapy was much safer to be used on vulnerable patients, had fewer side effects, and improved the efficacy of drugs.
How is Homeopathy Different from Allopathy?
It Is Unique
Unlike conventional medicine, which follows a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to healing, homeopathic remedies are selected based on each patient’s psychology, behavior, temperament, physiology and familial medical history. Homeopathic remedies are personalized to each patient. The homeopathic physician addresses the body as a whole, assuming that all visible symptoms are interlinked, attempting to find a remedy that suits the entirety of the body instead of focusing on just one area.
- It Functions Holistically
Homeopathic medication activates the abilities of the entire body, contributing significantly to speeding up the body’s intrinsic restorative capabilities and triggering holistic recovery. Homeopathy helps the body heal and overcome illness as one connected unit, allowing patients to achieve a high degree of wellness. Conventional medication, in contrast, represses the ailment and its symptoms, sometimes adversely resulting in deterioration of the patient’s health.
- It has Natural Components, Not a Concoction of Chemicals
Every authentic homeopathic remedy has only a single ingredient, whether a botanical, mineral, metal or other environmental substance. Unlike pharmaceutical medications, which do not always disclose their components, the specific element in homeopathic treatment is completely transparent. While conventional medicine involves combining a variety of chemical compounds, in Homeopathy the authentic ingredient is combined with just two things, 40% solvent (lactose or alcohol) used as a preservative and 60% distilled water, to achieve homeopathic dilution. The fun fact is that there are almost 4,000 homeopathic treatments available for a range of varying ailments.
- It is Cost-Effective, Non-Addictive and Safe for Pregnant Women & Chldren
For intense ailments, homeopathy works quickly; in chronic medical conditions, it may take longer. Homeopathic remedies like Belladonna and Aconite can drastically reduce severe fevers in minutes. The cost of making and purchasing homeopathic remedies is quite low. A radionics system can also help make homeopathic medicines as they both find their basis in energy & frequency. These remedies are non-addictive and have no adverse side effects. Infants respond effectively to homeopathic medications, demonstrating that this is not a complementary therapy. Homeopathy is both harmless for pregnant women and suitable for seniors.
- It has Historical Relevance
Dozens of manuals on homeopathy are accessible at speciality retailers, and they contain historical proof of homeopathic remedies for a wide range of ailments. In outbreaks such as cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, yellow fever, polio, and influenza, homeopathic medication has been shown to be extraordinarily beneficial. It was widely employed in the nineteenth century. With only ten cases reported, homeopathy averted a Leptospirosis Epidemic in Cuba, which affected more than 2.4 million people having a success rate of 99%.
Homeopathy & Research
Numerous clinical researches have been carried out in the last 24 years to prove the evolution of homeopathy. There have been over 180 regulated, and 118 uncontrolled homeopathic trials, assessed by four distinct meta-analyses. The researchers determined in each case that the benefits of homeopathy outweighed those that could be explained solely by the placebo effect. Since each treatment plan is unique, homeopathy can never be tested accurately with double randomized clinical trials. For instance, if 10 people are suffering from arthritis, all of them will need different homeopathic medication.
The majority of homoeopaths see individuals recommended to them by others. Most patients seek homeopathy because mainstream treatment has failed to help them or has too many adverse effects. Thousands, if not millions, of documented case notes, exist in the homeopathic field, proving the effectiveness of their treatments. Some homoeopaths even have visual evidence of their patients pre and post therapies.
Homeopathy Is Globally Practiced
Homeopathy is the world’s 2nd most frequently used medicine, according to the WHO. Homeopathy has gained popularity over the last 30 years, largely due to word-of-mouth, and is now projected to be expanding at a rate of more than 20% per year globally! Today, homeopathy is practiced in countries all around the world. Dozens of renowned people have benefited from homeopathic medication over the last 200 years. Many notable people, including writers Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, and George Bernard Shaw, artists Renoir, van Gogh, Monet, and Gaugin, and composers Beethoven, Chopin, and Schumann, to mention a few, attested to homeopathy and its benefits.
In Conclusion
Homeopathic treatments are inexpensive, convenient, have no adverse side effects, and are simple to use. Homeopathy has proven effective in treating mental problems, autoimmune conditions, elderly and child-specific disorders, prenatal illnesses, persistent skin conditions, behavioural abnormalities, and sensitivities, among other ailments. It also aids people with incurable chronic conditions like cancer, HIV/AIDS, terminally ill people, and immobilizing disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, among others, to improve their quality of life. It is exponentially rising in popularity all around the world, with practitioners of all races, genders and ages.
Learn more about Homeopathic remedies and their uses, easily book appointments for homeopathic physicians near you, or even store and manage your homeopathic prescriptions & medicine schedules – all from one app with the touch of a button. Download the Emoha App for all this and many other senior-specific services, including 24/7 emergency support and live infotainment. Click here, or find the app on Google Play Store & IOS App Store.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, homeopathy is perfectly safe for the patients because it is made from a very concentrated dose of a natural element, thereby making it safe for seniors, infants, and pregnant women equally.
No, homeopathic medicines do not have steroids because homeopathy believes in eradicating the root cause of an ailment instead of suppressing it, unlike steroid-based medications. Using steroids in homeopathic medicines is against its principles.