Convenience > 24 Tried & Tested Home Remedies For Cough That Will Surprise You
27th Apr 2022

24 Tried & Tested Home Remedies For Cough That Will Surprise You

Here is a compilation of proven and effective home remedies for cough, to help you through those days when the cough and cold just won’t quit! 

24 Effective Home Remedies For Cough:

1. Honey 


Honey is a well-known home remedy for cough, cold and sore throat. It helps relieve coughs more efficiently than over the counter (OTC) drugs, including dextromethorphan (DM), a common anti-cough medication. You can make your cough home remedy recipe at home by mixing two teaspoons of honey, herbal tea, and warm water with lemon. 

2. Probiotics 


Probiotics are microorganisms that can offer a variety of health benefits. While they can’t relieve coughs directly, they can help regulate your digestive colon. Gastrointestinal flora refers to the bacteria that reside within your intestines, and probiotics are thought to enhance its functioning. By supporting the gastrointestinal system, probiotics act as a fine home remedy for cough. 

Each supplement manufacturer might offer different daily intake recommendations. Probiotics are also added to various yoghurts and present in miso soup and bread made of sourdough. 

 3. Miso 


Miso soup is a fantastic cure for flu and colds. While soy has been getting negative reviews in the media recently, it is essential to know that not all of it is terrible. Fermented soy products like miso are loaded with health benefits such as naturally occurring digestive enzymes and probiotics that improve your immune system, and phytonutrients that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents within the body. 

4. Sauerkraut 


This bacteria can aid your natural immunity and lower the infection risk. In addition to being a good source of probiotics, sauerkraut contains iron and vitamin C, which are known nutrients that can help support the immune system. Strengthening the body’s innate defence system, sauerkraut is a compelling home remedy for cough. 

5. Yoghurt 


Probiotics are your best choice to combat the common flu and cold symptoms, and yoghurt is the best home remedy for cough and cold. Yoghurt or curd is generally a very healthy addition to one’s diet, and those with an adequate quantity of probiotics in their system can recuperate faster than those who do not. 

6. Kefir 


There are many beautiful things to say in praise of kefir, specifically its capability to improve and promote overall health. The probiotics present in kefir can aid digestion, maintain body regularity and boost the immune system. 

Additionally, research suggests that taking probiotics may reduce the chance of developing upper respiratory infections. 

7. Kombucha 


A byproduct of the process of making Kombucha is acetic acid, which has potent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. It is a known fact that Kombucha can aid in fighting off illnesses like common colds, sinus infections or the flu! These are prominent home remedies for cough and cold. 

8. Tempeh 


It could lower blood cholesterol, inflammation and appetite while improving bone health. Tempeh also has probiotics and prebiotics, which can help digestion and decrease inflammation, making it a great home remedy for cough, sore throat and tonsillitis. 

9. Kimchi 


The real power of kimchi to fight colds is in its fermentation process that produces large amounts of beneficial bacteria or probiotics. Our intestines house billions of beneficial microbes destroyed through stress, illness or poor nutrition, and antibiotics, leading to an imbalance where harmful bacteria dominate. Probiotics are thought to boost the growth of beneficial microflora, which can restore equilibrium, thus proving kimchi’s might as a home remedy for cough. 

10. Sourdough 


Sourdough bread functions as prebiotics. This means that the fibre found in the bread aids in feeding those “good” bacteria living in your digestive tract. These bacteria are crucial to maintaining a healthy and stable digestive system. Sourdough also has less gluten than other types of bread, making it easily digested. 

11. Marshmallow Root 

Marshmallow Root 

Marshmallow roots are made from Althaea officinalis, a plant that blooms during the summer. It’s not like the marshmallows you cook over a flame. 

The roots and leaves from the plant have been employed since antiquity as home remedies for dry cough and sore throat. 

12. Saltwater Gargle 

Saltwater Gargle 

Although the solution may appear a home remedy for dry cough, a simple gargle of salt and water can aid in soothing a swollen throat, itchy throat, infected throat, and even blisters. Mixing 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of salt and 8 fluid ounces of warm water will relieve irritation. 

Be aware that children younger than six years old aren’t particularly adept at gargling; it’s recommended to explore other options for the age group. 

13. Ginger 


Ginger is a home remedy for cough in infants and adults; it is often used to treat nausea or upset stomachs. However, it is a very powerful home remedy for cough and has been used in India for an epoch. 

Ginger also contains anti-inflammatory substances which can reduce swelling and inflammation in the throat. 

For making ginger tea, cut one-inch pieces of ginger root that are fresh. Boil it in 1 cup of water for between 10 and 15 minutes according to the strength of your tea. Another way to utilise ginger is to extract its juice and combine it with honey, and consume 1 tablespoon, thrice a day. Be careful with this remedy for cough, excess ginger has a very spicy pinch. 

14. Garlic 


Garlic is the best home remedy for cough, an effective antioxidant with antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties. In the case of colds and flu, it also has decongestant and expectorant properties. Though none of its constituents have been specifically identified by scientists as the sole reason behind the herb’s ability to fight flu. However, vitamin C, a variety of enzymes and minerals such as sulphur and selenium are found in abundant quantities in Garlic and may be the reason for garlic being the best home remedy for cough. 

15. Hot Water

Hot Water

Drinking water of any temperature is beneficial to general well-being. Drinking hot water is believed to offer various health benefits. Amongst the plethora of its benefits, the standout is clearly its role as a home remedy for cough. 

Take a Bath: Sudsing up does more than washing your body. The steam produced from a warm bath or shower can alleviate coughing by adding moisture to the air. When you take it in, it will also be able to moisten your throat and reduce the pain in your throat or the scratchiness. If you suffer from sinus congestion, steam could assist in clearing the nasal passages by loosening mucus, aiding in its flush. 

16. Elderberry 


Elderberry is a distinguished home remedy for cough, sore throat, ordinary flu, cold, and cold symptoms, and sinusitis. It is an immunostimulant for treating tonsillitis and mouth ulcers. Elderberry extract’s suggested uses include reducing the negative consequences of LDL cholesterol and protecting from the negative effects of antioxidants. 

17. Neti Pot 

Neti Pot 

A neti pot is a pot made to remove mucus or debris out of your nasal space. It is possible to utilise a neti container as a home remedy for cough in adults with sinus allergies, nasal allergies or colds. 

If you decide to create your saltwater neti pot recipe, it’s essential to make sure you use water from a bottle that has been sterilised or distilled. Tap water is suitable when processed through a filter having a pore size of one micron or less or if it’s been boiling for a few minutes and then allowed in the cooler until just lukewarm. 

18. Onion 


Cut onions have been used as a home remedy for cough in infants.  However, there’s no scientific evidence of an onion that has been chopped up to cure cough, although it’s unlikely to cause harm! 

19. Lozenges 


Certain over-the-counter (OTC) oral tablets made up of menthol, a chemical that can softly numb the tissues in your throat, can be easily found in nearby pharmacies. They can offer short-term relief from burning and painful sensations. This builds the case for lozenges as an effective home remedy for cough. 

20. Bromelain 


There’s some evidence suggesting bromelain, an enzyme found in the stem and fruit of pineapples, may be able to help ease coughs, as well as loosen mucus from your throat. 

There are claims that it could help ease sinusitis and allergy-related sinus problems, which may cause mucus and coughs. This is a popular home remedy for cough in children and adults. 

21. Turmeric 


With a chemical known as curcumin, turmeric can effectively combat dry cough. In addition, this ingredient has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Turmeric can also relieve respiratory issues such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. All of these properties add turmeric to the list of home remedies for cough. 

22. Eucalyptus Oil 

Eucalyptus Oil 

Eucalyptus essential oil is renowned for its capacity to treat coughs and respiratory diseases like pharyngitis, sinusitis and bronchitis. Eucalyptus essential oil has been studied for its potential as an anti-TB medication. Various products in your local pharmacy include eucalyptus oils to ease congestion, such as certain cough drops and vapour rubs.  

23. Liquorice Root 

Liquorice Root

Liquorice is a plant that is found in Europe as well as Asia. Liquorice root is a source of chemical compounds believed to reduce swelling and enhance the number of ulcer-healing compounds in our body. This makes it a beneficial home remedy for cough. 

24. Take Enough Rest 

Take Enough Rest

Lastly, one of the best home remedies for cough – is adequate rest. A good pillow can help you relax your cough for long enough to let you sleep. Some people feel more comfortable using a few pillows to sleep in a reclined position as it helps them breathe through their nasal passage. Try this for just a few nights, and you feel significant relief from cough. 

When should you see a doctor for cough? 

Get medical attention immediately if your cough is impairing your breathing or if you’re coughing up blood. And remember respiratory tract infections cause body pain and fever; however, allergies don’t. 

Visit your physician if you have the following symptoms with your cough: 

  • chills 
  • dehydration 
  • temperatures higher than 101 degF (38degC) 
  • malaise or a general feeling of unwell 
  • cough with an unpleasant odour, thick green or yellow-coloured phlegm 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the home remedy for coughing? 

Honey tea – the most common home cure for cough is mixing honey with warm water. 

What is the home remedy for dry cough? 

Add honey to a hot drink to soothe irritation in the throat. Lozenges for your throat can help soothe and moisten the tissue of your throat. 

What is the best home remedy for cough and cold? 

Ginger can help ease dry or asthmatic cough because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Hydration is essential for those suffering from colds and coughs. 

What is the home remedy for allergic cough? 

Red Onion. Use red onions to make homemade cough syrup. Ginger. Ginger is an excellent spice that helps create mucus, and it will ease coughing and assist in relieving your sore throat. 

What home remedy can I give my dog for coughing? 

Honey is an excellent homemade cure for kennel cough as it can ease your dog’s throat and reduce coughing. It is recommended to offer your pet between 1/2 and 1 teaspoon honey and some warm water to drink in the bowl. 

What home remedy for sore throat and dry cough? 

Drink plenty of fluids. Water can help eliminate the fluids in your throat. Perform breathing exercises. Cleanse your nose using a neti pot. Consume honey & ginger syrup. Use a humidifier. 

What is the home remedy for coughing for a child? 

Encourage your child to drink lots of warm fluids. You might consider using a dry humidifier. Air can make coughing that children experience more serious. Inhale the warm water vapours. Allow your child to breathe in the steam and the vapours from a relaxing bath or shower. 

What is the home remedy for cough for infants? 

Drink warm, clear fluids (apple juice or lemonade juice). Take up to three teaspoons (5-15 millilitres) of ginger-honey syrup each day if you observe your child’s coughing. If your child is younger than 3 months, consult your child’s physician. 

What is the best, most effective home remedy for a severe cough? 

Drink fluids—liquids aid in reducing mucus within your throat. Consume a couple of chewing gum or chewy sweets. They can reduce dry cough as well as alleviate irritation of the throat. Take an interest in honey. A teaspoon of honey can aid in the elimination of cough. 

Which home remedy is the best to treat cough? 

Both ginger and lemon teas have anti-inflammatory properties that assist in the reduction of irritation in the throat and the lungs. They can also assist in clearing the airways and relieving pain.